Fantastic and Doom Invasions! (Updated Nov 4th)



  • CatapoulpeCatapoulpe Member Posts: 101

    I'm starting to be fed up of those really boring events. Rewards are not really exciting, energy and time cost are high. You need to do something Kabam, or I bet a lot of players are gonna quit.

    Triple the rewards. Maybe not the sig stones, but all the other rewards should be like tripled.
    Yes only the sig stones are good
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  • LipimipLipimip Member Posts: 1
    To nem aí pra isso aí quero saber que ideia furada e essa de tira um direito que eu pensava ser nosso de poder escolher um sucessor na liderança da sua própria aliança e vem a kabam e tira esse direto lhe rebaixando e colocando outro membro ou um dos oficiais isso não existe e um absurdo!!
  • Mathking13Mathking13 Member Posts: 988 ★★★
    If nothing else, these events incorporate some interesting concepts.
    I could see Kabam making a more interesting version with a 3-month event where, each week, players choose between rewards focusing on either champion acquisition or champion growth. This would allow players to tailor their rewards more towards what they personally need.

    Sure the rewards aren't anything to rave about, but hey I like how Kabam is trying out new ideas.
  • Mathking13Mathking13 Member Posts: 988 ★★★

    I'm starting to be fed up of those really boring events. Rewards are not really exciting, energy and time cost are high. You need to do something Kabam, or I bet a lot of players are gonna quit.

    yeah 21 energy per difficult is a 'high energy cost'... *sigh*
  • SlimSteinySlimSteiny Member Posts: 7

    I have a question I only have 2 of The beacon will there be a way to the other one if forget to get the third beacon thanks again appreciate it

    I don't believe so.
  • Savio444Savio444 Member Posts: 1,781 ★★★★
    What sort of buffs will they have, like normal 100% health/attack or power gain/biohazard??
  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    edited October 2019
    I find a little bit disappointing the fact that the sides you can find on alternate. I would much prefer to stick with Dr.Doom (upgrading materials) side each day and I am sure others would prefer to run daily the Mr. Fantastic (shards) side, because we all have different needs for our accounts.

    Plus, the mention of buffs on the defenders makes me think that this will not be an "easy" event.

    Oh, well. I guess I am picking the difficulty I am comfortable with and just get the rewards I am given.
  • jeffgmngjeffgmng Member Posts: 115
    A l p h a said:

    An entire year of introducing the fantastic 4 and building up the hype...finally releasing the final member and easily the one of the most popular marvel villians in doctor doom... and this is what we get, im sorry but this is extremely underwhelming. I miss the events like the trials of the king where it was just 3 to 6 fights where you got some really decent rewards and it was actually worth the time invested... more recently events have been getting longer and considerably more boring, and the rewards do not weigh up to the effort AT ALL.

    I was really looking forward to this month, it sounded so good on paper, but this has really disappointed alot of the MCOC community

    Abso bloody lutely. They just missed a great opportunity of introducing the last member of fantastic 4 and doctor doom with flying colors.

  • edited October 2019
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  • BogiaBogia Member Posts: 125

    arsjum said:

    Now those are some decent rewards. 3x 5* sig stone crystals per day? heck yes.

    Every other day :smile:
    "These quests exist in 2 Variations that are available for 24 hours at a time, and alternate daily." Unless its a typo, it sounds daily to me? or maybe we can get some clarification
    Only one will be available each day. Fantastic, Doom, Fantastic, Doom, Etc.
    There is some confusion about choosing a side only being able to participate every other day.

    For example, "choose" Doom, then your play schedule would look like:
    Day 1 Doom: Play
    Day 2: Fantastic: Don't play
    Day 3 Doom: Play...

    Some of us interpreted it to mean:
    Day 1 Doom: Everybody plays
    Day 2: Fantastic: Everybody plays
    Day 3 Doom: Everybody plays...

  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,256 ★★★★★
    I think Kabam needs to make a proper assessment of the state of the game and analyze what type of rewards will excite us. We're in a period due to glory and map 6&7 rewards where we have an abundance of rank up materials. People need more 5 stars at this point and events should make multiple ones accessible. We also need sig stones, and an amount of 6 stars/t5 basic shards that can make an impact.

    We need 5 stars to become what 4 stars was when we first got access to t5 basics to r5 champions. I think that will close the gap that players are craving for.
  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    I dont understand this. Will we be getting 15 days of rewards for each combined? (That means will I get a 5 star crystal as well as a T2alpha or only one of them?)
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