My thoughts on the new conqueror calender

Since the new calendars have dropped, and I've failed to become uncollected, I now have to live with the conqueror calendar. Unfortunately, that means I miss out on the 750 5 star shards in the old calender. That kinda sucks but I want to hear your thoughts. For me, those shards were sometimes the difference between a 5 star at the end of the month and having to grind out some event or hope for a 4 star dupe. This is kind of like a push me to get uncollected (which is kinda good ngl) but I still miss the old shards.
TL;DR I miss the 750 give star shards in the old calendar and this calendar pushes me to become uncollected. What are your thoughts on the new calendar?
TL;DR I miss the 750 give star shards in the old calendar and this calendar pushes me to become uncollected. What are your thoughts on the new calendar?
I'm in a similar spot with three quests before uncollected and cyber Monday and the calendar are somewhat pushing me towards that
Go for uncollected.
Trust me all of us uncollected, were smiling not on that moment when we beat the collector but on that moment when we realized that the collector was beatable
there are 3 categores of players in this game
I dont buy creds or play arena for hours on the days. Back to playing shadow legends.
I'm a F2P, casual player .. (takes me forever to build up resources to rank up a 5*!) O.o
But I did manage to get Uncollected earlier in the year. Still haven't touched Act 6 .. and not even looking at it (or Cavalier) ... LOL
So yeah, I didn't actually spend any units on collector .. just saved up a few revives and heals via the free crystals .. then bit the bullet and "went for it" ... went down pretty easy to rank 3 5*'s ... *shrug*