Please fix Night crawler

Without any doubt the single most OP, frustrating and annoying thing about this game is fighting this son of a **** of a character.
Every time you fight anyone else your results will say something like: hits on opponent. 50,. Hits received. 8. No matter who it is, unless you are unlucky and you get kabam's famous insta heavy, blocking specials beauties.
A couple of times now I have fought this ridiculous character and seen figures like 8/28 or 15/38.
His evade is ludicrous, every time you fight him in any stage of the game he insta heavies and blocks specials.
I understand his skillset and why he does this, but making a character that is impossible to see, very hard to hit and can hit you far more than anyone else in the game, even end of act bosses needs to be fixed. He perenially hits while evading, blocks just about everything and it seems blind luck to get a combo on him.
Fighting him is not fun, you got the evade right with Spidey characters, annoying yes and OTT at times, but it results in a different style of fight, a more observant one and careful. This awful character you can't even do that.
Because right now, this character is a real blight in the game.
Every time you fight anyone else your results will say something like: hits on opponent. 50,. Hits received. 8. No matter who it is, unless you are unlucky and you get kabam's famous insta heavy, blocking specials beauties.
A couple of times now I have fought this ridiculous character and seen figures like 8/28 or 15/38.
His evade is ludicrous, every time you fight him in any stage of the game he insta heavies and blocks specials.
I understand his skillset and why he does this, but making a character that is impossible to see, very hard to hit and can hit you far more than anyone else in the game, even end of act bosses needs to be fixed. He perenially hits while evading, blocks just about everything and it seems blind luck to get a combo on him.
Fighting him is not fun, you got the evade right with Spidey characters, annoying yes and OTT at times, but it results in a different style of fight, a more observant one and careful. This awful character you can't even do that.
Because right now, this character is a real blight in the game.
He should not be harder than Kang for god's sake, and right now especially in awakened form,he is. And that's just silly.
It procs all the time for me, but I have him at sig50.
I love it - he's a great attacker. He's one of those little gems that people only find put about if they use him - like Mordos fury.
Downside is that everyone only wants him for defence. I got booted from an alliance once because I kept on taking him to AQ.
To any player struggling with NC, I would highly suggest using a 2 or 3 star champ and fighting a 5 star or 5/50 version of NC. Practice on making him switch modes, know when and when you cannot attack him, and learn his animations. Eventually NC will be a relatively easy fight, but don't expect that to happen magically.
When you reach high enough tiers in AW, NC will be a welcome relief compared to all the mystic dispersion defenders.
If stun immune do the same but block instead of parry, just dont to for long combos
There's essentially 3 ways to counter him:
1) Switching him to swashbuckling. If you are frustrated just seeing this solution get constantly repeated from time to time, it's understandable. You literally have to chain 3-4 hits (depending if duped or not) while he is blocking to change his mode. Yea sure he is easy if the first time you do it he doesn't evade, but what if he always evades due to crappy RNG? This is not a reliable way to counter him, I don't recommend it simply because you could die trying to chain the hits, only for him to evade and you react too slowly.
2) Deal with Neyaphem. This one's sort of more reliable if you follow DDD's ninja evade vid strategy. Attack slowly, always be ready to block after every hit, and do not end your combos (so go with 3-hitters). This is how I fight unduped NCs (and duped, but sometimes, I will try method 1) and it works really well. Just gotta have quick reflexes and don't spam your attacks.
3) Reduce/remove evade chance. By far the easiest way to counter him is using champs that either reduce or completely negate his evade chance. By doing so, you can do method 1 a bit easier. Unfortunately, most champs that do this are the skill class (BW, Falcon, Crossbones, etc.) so getting hit would be very consequential. By far the best champion to fight NC is Iceman, since he is bleed immune and coldsnap removes evade chance.
I simply find it impossible to lay a glove on him at times, you top guys are simply adapting as you do with things like bait, and parry a d evade.
For normal people who never get to play in the places you play, this is not an option.
All the advice given here is solid. If you're having trouble with a specific champ then you need to practice- find someone with that champ and duel them.
So game over
There is no debuff marker - just damage.
It does proc constantly, but it's kind of like Guillotine's healing - you have to really watch for it, as it's there and gone in a moment. Just stare just behind the opponent waiting for a second damage to appear after you've hit with him.
However, I've fought NC Vs both Cable and Abomination; and the Deep Wounds doesn't proc either Poison or Degeneration (which should proceed 100% with all Bleeds). That really should change - it's not like NC need more advantages!
I agree I hate him
You are just not playing against him properly, first off kang is one of the easiest champions to fight in this gam especially after all the practice people got on him as an AQ boss. If you are having trouble fighting him you have to switch up your play style. Opponents can't evade when they are stunned except mordo so you can use the strategy of playing slowly parry him and only attack him when he is stunned. The next tactic is to use M-L-L-L combos, the only time he can evade and hit you before you can respond if you have good reflexes is if you hit him with your last medium. If he evades dash back right away and don't keep hitting into him. I practice against NC all the time I used a 2 star vision to duel one on leader boards and got him down in over 100 hits and didn't get hit once. Once you get the hang of fighting him he is annoying but quite easy.
I started by just trying to slow my attacks down to be ready to block/parry and I noticed that, quite by accident, I was often catching him right on his instastrike following his evade. You will take some hits fighting him this way so I also usually try to fight him with a bleed immune guy. Mastering the techniques listed above in posts by better players than I am is the better long term option, of course, but if you're an intermediate player like me who doesn't take things extraordinarily seriously it could work for you. It takes a little practice to get the timing on it right and it doesn't work every fight against him, but I no longer dread seeing him pop up as an opponent.
It works on spiderpeople too.
The reason y'all hate him is inexperience to fighting him Try my Nightcrawler IGN Toxic Aurelius it's fairly easy due to me not having 100% Mastery build