Aegon Broken

AlCapone2727AlCapone2727 Member Posts: 428 ★★
Aegons synergy appears to be broken with SL. Please tell me if its fine


  • sllow81sllow81 Member Posts: 3
    I got the same too. Aegon combo will break after ate a hit
  • AlCapone2727AlCapone2727 Member Posts: 428 ★★
    Let me clarify, the synergy is not over powered. I mean there's no combo shield like the synergy says. Doesnt work with Proxima either
  • SuvenduSuvendu Member Posts: 177
    Lots of ppl including myself raised tickets.. Kabam said they will be fixing that..
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, we're aware of this issue and the team is looking into it. We've got a thread going for it that can be found here.
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