OML and MEDUSA bugs met with silence.

AlexAvalonAlexAvalon Member Posts: 655 ★★★
Heard crickets on OML even though he was just re released after much extra time for "fine tuning" and. A got a "passed it along" for medusa and then silence.

1. broken interaction with double edge not taking reduced damage and healing extra from willpower.

2. Description says a critical hit results in a critical bleed on sp2. Seems more like a 50% chance, many sp2 crits lead to regular bleeds

3. Sp3 gets no damage boost from furies, it should bc the amount of deep bleeds u get is connected to how many furies u have when using the special.

4. Synergy with x23 is broken. It doesnt remove any rock stacks from thing, havent tested it on korgs rock shield but is broken for thing.

All that extra time and literally most of his abilities are bugged.


1. Damage scaling severely lower with armor shatter since the last update. No difference between 1 or 2 shatters, in fact u hit less hard with 2 shatters then u do with one.

2. Robots gaining power and evading while armor shattered.

3. Champs like KM still getting reverb when armor shattered despite new description and simultaneous armor break/shatter debuff icons.

I want to say that i think the idea of the description change and what its supposed to do is excellent and i was initially very impressed with their decision to make it work this way. Really cool thought, now it just needs to be made to work but i am a fan of this change for her, makes her unique in a way after she lost the claim to being the only champ to armor shatter with the release of arkus. But yeah having both debuff icons active is gonna be great for ghost, km, emma and mysterio once this is fixed.

Her damage being messed up is obviously tied to this new break/shatter mechanic so when the day comes where they fix her shatter and damage so the 100% robot reduction and abilities countered by armor break apply while shattered is fixed i am gonna be one happy boi

With logan, i took him to r4 despite the bugs bc i do have faith in time theyll eventually get around to fixing him, love the character and i personally loved the buff although some didnt.

Im most worried for medusa, my top profile champ, first r5 but when the day comes where shes back to fighting shape shes gonna be a real force as she always was. I know you guys have alot going on but medusa is a beyond god tier champ loved by many and used by many...
And OML is a recently buffed champ who went through a supposed ultra fine tuning process so the lack of a response on either of these 2 champs is a little disconcerting. Please pass this info along to the team with some emphasis on it being important, id like to see this fixed in the next update and i believe thats not at all unreasonable because in the case of medusa she was just fixed this update and broken worse so if that was me who did that i would want to rectify it, same goes for the recently buffed logan with the extra time and many things broken it is not a good look in either case.


  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    Yes, you're right about everything wrong with old balls! Another big is his special 1 armor break not triggering against skill champs.
    My major regret is the fact that Colossus, his buff counterpart, whom Kabam worked on simultaneously, doesn't seem to share any bug in comparison to OML's platoon of bugs! Even against bleed nodes, OML's bleed mitigation doesn't work!
  • AlexAvalonAlexAvalon Member Posts: 655 ★★★
    Ahh thats right i forgot about those, its a shame, i hope they fix it sooner then later but not holding my breath
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Oml also doesn't have armor break on sp1
  • AlexAvalonAlexAvalon Member Posts: 655 ★★★
    The silence lives on.....
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★

    The silence lives on.....

  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,688 ★★★★
    These concerns certainly are concerning.

    The timing of this complaint also reminds me of room service complaints while the Titanic sinks.

    Suffice to say you'll hear back sooner on "compensation" well before fixes to percieved issues with some champs, and that's a week away.
  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★
    I don't know if u saw the post where kabam miike replied about the speed of these things. He has to let the team know. They have to recreate all the problems. Then the team has to come up with a way of fixing the issues all before they can update the community. Just giving a few days before everyone dropped everything to handle a major emergency isn't really a fair amount of time for them to look at the problem and address it. Im sure a lot of ppl are wanting Medusa and OML fixed and they will announce something when they can. They won't ignore 2 popular champs. Symbiote Supreme has needed fixed for over a year and they r still working on it. These things take time.
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  • AlexAvalonAlexAvalon Member Posts: 655 ★★★
    All good points, thank you for your input, nice to know im not the only one, i know they have alot going on but they always do, a little info on it would go a long way
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,324 ★★★★★
    Yeah, when the game fully broke recently.. I thought to myself "rip oml fix..". I do appreciate you starting a thread on it. I understand people's comments such as "these things take time".. and there are bigger fish to fry, etc. However, I've also seen player detrimental issues go over half a year to be fixed. Those of us who are concerned about what kind of priority is being placed on player detrimental issues have reason to be based on an actual history of events. We didn't make this stuff up. It's a real concern somtimes. So, I surely don't blame anyone for wanting to know the issues they are experiencing are actually being given at least some measure of priority.
  • AlexAvalonAlexAvalon Member Posts: 655 ★★★
    Precisely and different bugs affect players differently, medusa is my top champ. The backbone of my account so when she breaks and breaks badly of course im gonna want to know whats going on, we all know what it takes for a player to get a champ to 5/65 sig 200 in this game, especially people with just 1 or 2 r5s like me, its a huge deal, i put everything into her and shes been broken for months and as time goes on it gnaws at you more and more that i can even get an answer back about it in the one place i can go to find out, and have any meaningful contact with people inside the loop, which is here on the forums
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  • FF10FF10 Member Posts: 214 ★★
    They have to fix her asap
  • Kill_GreyKill_Grey Member Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★
    I'm not even sure if OML's "opponent purifies bleed and takes damage" ability even works, because it doesn't seem to work on map 4 corvus.
  • theMercenarytheMercenary Member Posts: 643 ★★★
    Aleor said:

    Oml also doesn't have armor break on sp1

    Wrong. Just used him
  • JingoJingo Member Posts: 32
    OML still taking full damage in AQ bleed nodes despite regen buff up whole time (never used specials to test this). Seems like I’d bleed activates immediately his “reduced potency” benefit does not work.
  • AlexAvalonAlexAvalon Member Posts: 655 ★★★

    Aleor said:

    Oml also doesn't have armor break on sp1

    Wrong. Just used him
    Only partially wrong, he prob fought a skill champ which armorbreak doesnt work for, works for the other classes though
  • AlexAvalonAlexAvalon Member Posts: 655 ★★★
    Jingo said:

    OML still taking full damage in AQ bleed nodes despite regen buff up whole time (never used specials to test this). Seems like I’d bleed activates immediately his “reduced potency” benefit does not work.

    Yeah man it sucks, the reduced damage only works for bleeds u get put on u from defender not from nodes or suicides, will be nice when its fixed
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  • CsuttonCsutton Member Posts: 231 ★★
    Not doubting anyone’s issues cuz I haven’t used my OML much since update went live, but I just tried it after reading this and his bleed damage reduction is working fine against rol WS... I didn’t get the armor break to proc from s1 tho.
  • WoogieboogieWoogieboogie Member Posts: 340 ★★
    edited November 2019
    zeezee57 said:

    And still we wait for a response. My poor R4 oml and Dusa just sit collecting dust waiting to be fixed 😂

    Must be nice lol only 3-4 ish years never had a dusa.
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  • WoogieboogieWoogieboogie Member Posts: 340 ★★

    I dont see a bug for medusa here

    Km always had passive armor

    If u go gainst robots wirh force of the will node they will be immune to medusa

    I don’t believe you due to your English skills.
  • FF10FF10 Member Posts: 214 ★★
    I find Medusa's damage to be significantly lower when armor shattered
  • AlexAvalonAlexAvalon Member Posts: 655 ★★★
    Csutton said:

    Not doubting anyone’s issues cuz I haven’t used my OML much since update went live, but I just tried it after reading this and his bleed damage reduction is working fine against rol WS... I didn’t get the armor break to proc from s1 tho.

    As i said, his bleed reduction works great when the champ your fighting puts a bleed on you. It doesnt work with double edge or bleed nodes.
  • AlexAvalonAlexAvalon Member Posts: 655 ★★★

    I dont see a bug for medusa here

    Km always had passive armor

    If u go gainst robots wirh force of the will node they will be immune to medusa

    EDIT: Medusa armor shatter seems to be working now against killmonger and emma, its awesome. Dont know what changed but fought a few KMs and emmas today and the shatter/break stopped the reverb and diamond form, it was glorious. Damage from shatter is DEF still broken though. :/ if we can just get that fixed we will be all set! Dont know what changed from when i made the thread to now but her shatter does seem to be working to shutdown abilities negated by armor break.
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