Can you ghost annihilus?
Does anyone know if she works? There is an annihilus in 6.3.1 with mesmerise and incinerate if you don’t hit them in 2 seconds, and for my roster ghost is the only champ who counters both nodes, but does annihilus have something to screw her up? Never seen anyone use her against him and haven’t tried myself so I always assumed something stops her
- unstoppable
- armor break
Obviously, armor break is bad for ghost.
Both are tied to his Stifle.
How to avoid? Don't let him touch you ... ie don't block him .. don't get hit by him.
And do NOT let him use a sp3 (it auto applies 10 stifles .. O.o )
Ironically .. Ghost - of all champs - should be able to pull this off .
(I'd recommend duelling a test to make sure, though
If you always dex and intercept instead of parrying, you won’t get Stifle, therefore he won’t become Unstoppable