[iOS] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • Dethgawd119Dethgawd119 Member Posts: 14
    edited November 2019

    Arena- starting fights prompts me to reconnect, and once that is done I lose the round I was attempting to start for up to 2 rounds.
  • RobHotchXPRobHotchXP Member Posts: 11

    In-Game Name: Mr.F4nt4stic

    Device and Model: IPad Pro (11 inch)

    Device Operating System: iOS 13.1.3

    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi

    Game Version Installed: according to App Store I have the most up to date version (25.0)

    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Arena ... and reward claim.

    Description of the Issue: in 4-5-6* Arena I would fight and win but after fight game would freeze and spin-spin-spin. Upon logging back in, it would show the same fight but when I went to fight it I would get a message saying an error had occurred and then a loss would be assigned. This happened twice. Cost my infinite streak and so I quit out of game.
    In reward claim when I went to rewards or to my stash trying to claim the reward for mutant combat solo event caused game to crash.
  • demarcatedemarcate Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: demarcate
    Device and Model: iPad mini 4
    Device Operating System: iOS 13.1.3
    Cellular or WiFi: Wifi
    Game Version Installed: Current (I reinstalled it from app store to try and fix)
    Game Mode: Game won't strt
    Description of the Issue: On the iPad I can't get past the Fantastic Four load screen, game won't start. Tried repeatedly about 8 times. The little white star keeps spinning indefinitely. Game is working on my iPhone though. I also have a reward on Mutant Combat that won't go away and game crashes when I try to claim it again.
  • Mleungm4168Mleungm4168 Member Posts: 6
    In-Game Name: Green Thunder
    Device and Model: iPhone 7
    Device Operating System: iOS 13.2.2
    Cellular or WiFi: Wifi
    Game Version Installed: Current (I reinstalled it from app store to try to fix the issue)
    Game Mode: Game won't load
    Description of the Issue: The game won't stop, it is just loading at the introduction screen which is Fantastic Four and won't go further. The little white star keeps spinning indefinitely. This happens after I upgrade my iOS from 13.1.2 to 13.2.2. Thanks.

  • roman3719roman3719 Member Posts: 7
    edited November 2019
    iPhone 11
    Both wifi and cellular
    Version 954917
    Rewards section & Objective section

    Cannot collect rewards from objectives and daily rewards. Get connection issue message when I attempted to collect
  • Pavl33kPavl33k Member Posts: 6
    name : pavl33k
    Device model : iPhone 11 Pro Max
    Device Os : IOS 13.2
    cellular and Wifi : both
    Latest update of MCOC
    Issue : loading screen for long duration without actually loading the game

  • Pavl33kPavl33k Member Posts: 6
    name : pavl33k
    Device model : iPhone 11 Pro Max
    Device Os : IOS 13.2
    cellular and Wifi : both
    Latest update of MCOC
    Issue : loading screen for long duration without actually loading the game

  • Pavl33kPavl33k Member Posts: 6
    name : pavl33k
    Device model : iPhone 11 Pro Max
    Device Os : IOS 13.2
    cellular and Wifi : both
    Latest update of MCOC
    Issue : loading screen for long duration without actually loading the game

  • Mleungm4168Mleungm4168 Member Posts: 6
    In-Game Name: Green Thunder
    Device and Model: iPhone 7
    Device Operating System: iOS 13.2.2
    Cellular or WiFi: Both Cellular and Wifi
    Game Version Installed: Current (I reinstalled it from app store to try to fix the issue)
    Game Mode: Game Disconnect
    Description of the Issue: I thought it was because I updated my phone to iOS 13.1.2. Once in a while when I am playing, it will show a connection issue screen and reload the game. It has caused me to loss fights in Alliance War and Alliance Quest and other fights, I thought it was because of the update, but once I updated to iOs 13.2.2, it continues to have it and it has cost me to loss fights in Alliance War when I was winning first then going back in, my champions lost half of its health which lead me to loss the fights. Please help me resolve this issue. Thank you.
  • Bilbo_the_57th123Bilbo_the_57th123 Member Posts: 17
    iPad (normal)
    iOS 13.2.2

    I can’t collect my special rewards from yesterday.
  • rafael125rafael125 Member Posts: 4
    IOS 13.1.3
    iphone 7 plus

    cannot log in keep loading
  • antoniuswaruwuantoniuswaruwu Member Posts: 3
    antonius war
    Iphone 6s
    IOS 13.1.3
    latest version
    wifi/cellular data (both)

    after kabam fixed the overheat issue, today after 3-4 minutes playing mcoc and this overheat issue coming back, my phone very hot now, and only play for AQ and short quest, arenas is impossible to reach atm with this overheat
  • Captain_Cool01Captain_Cool01 Member Posts: 2
    In game name:- Capitan cool 01
    Device:- iphone 6s and bluestalks
    Ios version:- 13.1.3
    Cellular/Wifi:- Both
    Mcoc version:- latest version updated this month
    Issue:- i still cant claim any of my solo objectives rewards and i have completely all of them...it keeps on showing an weak wifi symbol on claiming but even after many minutes it does nothing
    And then my game crashes
  • Omega0119Omega0119 Member Posts: 8
    An example of that is that I was playing with my venom and I won and his tongue was sticking out of the top of his head. Omega0119
    iPhone X
    Latest update
  • UltimateBatJokeUltimateBatJoke Member Posts: 221
    iPhone 6
    IOS 12.4.2
    Both, but mainly cellular
    All game modes

    Each fight I start the game lags at the beginning of each fight and at least twice per fight. I have lost several fights and have wasted time trying to fight when the glitch happens, especially when it is mid combo and I try to land a special.
  • MrmcsexyMrmcsexy Member Posts: 15
    Hello, I’m not here to be angry like many. But I seem to have a issue I do not see above.

    Name: MrMcSexy
    Device and model: iphone 10xs
    Cellular or wifi: it happens on both
    Game version. 25.0.1
    Bug: when I go to claim a reward from my storage my game freezes. Every single time. It is only this one reward also. Other allow me to claim normally.

    Bug 2: it occasionally tells me I have no alliance and i have to restart app. Not a major issue but just wanted to pass it on.

  • Master_Dan_1000Master_Dan_1000 Member Posts: 56
    iPhone SE

    Lots of performance issues since the last update. Game lagging mid fight, inputs failing such as dash back, block and heavy attack. My champion just sits there. Also seems to be an occasional issue where dexterity doesn’t work an I get hit while dashing back.

    Had no problems last month. Play tier 3 wars and started 6.3 last night having done 6.2 @ 100% so these issues are stopping me playing at the moment.
  • LiviuDamianLiviuDamian Member Posts: 6
    Guys for the past 2 days,my phone is heating up like crazy when in the game(i play for 20 minutes and i can start to feel my hands and phone heat up). If i exit the game the phone cools...pls dont tell me the reheating bug will reappear.
    Phone: iphone 11
    Latest iso
    Latest version of the game
  • DęłtåDęłtå Member Posts: 295

    Guys for the past 2 days,my phone is heating up like crazy when in the game(i play for 20 minutes and i can start to feel my hands and phone heat up). If i exit the game the phone cools...pls dont tell me the reheating bug will reappear.
    Phone: iphone 11
    Latest iso
    Latest version of the game

    I thought it was me holding device battery drains more quickly again too damn don’t need that bug back it destroyed my last iPad
  • DoonxDoonx Member Posts: 182
    Same thing happens to me. I just put it inside the refrigerator to cool down 😂
    iphone X
    Latest ios
  • Joop_SloopkogelJoop_Sloopkogel Member Posts: 3
    In game name: Joop_Sloopkogel
    Iphone 7, IOS 13.1.13
    Game version 25.0.1
    Cellular and wifi
    All game modes

    Issues: lots of random crashing while fighting and between fights. Phone heating up way more then normal. The battery drains faster then usual aswel, maybe because the heating problem
  • Col_TarCol_Tar Member Posts: 2
    I haven’t heard much lately about allowing players to claim unclaimable rewards. I’ve got 1000 5* shards and other items from completing the final phase of the “Win Fights Against Villains” challenge. Please help!

    In Game Name: Col-Tar
    iPhone 7
    iOS 13.2.2
  • ShelovesshoesShelovesshoes Member Posts: 3
    iPhone 7, iPad Pro, latest version of iOS and the game:
    Whenever I switch from the game to line or another app and back to the game, the game restarts, even if I only switch for a second... which tells me the latest version of the game is hard on the CPU...

    My device runs really hot after only a few minutes of playing and the battery drains super fast.
  • Pavl33kPavl33k Member Posts: 6
    Pavl33k said:

    name : pavl33k
    Device model : iPhone 11 Pro Max
    Device Os : IOS 13.2
    cellular and Wifi : both
    Latest update of MCOC
    Issue : loading screen for long duration without actually loading the game

    Did a phone restart app loads .Having his same issue again after finally loading for a couple of days.
    Now I am back to square one . Restarting phone doesn’t help either
  • Ronnyman889Ronnyman889 Member Posts: 180
    Latest on iOS and game

    Often fights start and parry or evade is coming late even if I’m starting split second after arriving to center. Gets punched with a combo right away. Fights seams to be with a delay on everything on the left side controls.

    And of course the fights are always having lags or quick action on animation.

    Doesn’t seam to be completely iOS 13 compliant. The auto size on text maybe conflicting on performance?
  • edited November 2019
    This content has been removed.
  • SoldingoSoldingo Member Posts: 6

    In-Game Name: Soldingo
    Device and Model: iPhone 7
    Device Operating System: iOS 13.2.2
    Cellular or Wifi?: both. Tbaytel
    Game Version Installed: 25.0
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Event Quests,
    Description of the Issue: I was completing event quest, uncollected 2.2 the one with Red Skull as the boss. I’m using Claire Voyant, IMIW, CapIW, Quake, and Captain Marvel (the newest one). I’ve fought Void, Ebony Maw, War Machine, and Gulk. Each time the game has crashed at least once. It’s frustrating as I’m trying to complete the paths to 100%. It just started happening, yesterday Nov 17.
  • Mleungm4168Mleungm4168 Member Posts: 6
    In-Game Name: Green Thunder
    Device and Model: iPhone 7 plus
    Device Operating System: iOS 13.2.2
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 25.0.1
    Game Mode: All modes
    Description of the Issue: Playing for a while then the game will crash and said connection issues. It is not as bad as before where it will be in the middle of the fight, but now it will occur before landing on the next character in quests or before I click fight for arena.

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