I'm nobody and nobody will read this neither any kabam people because they don't care about issue

Dear kabam,

this is happen to me .... and maybe other summoners where I can give you all my love if this happen what they made to me... anyway yesterday one of the official decide to remove me (without notice) from the alliance where i was and make all the season (not only 5 wars but all the season) so they kick me off without any reason just to give my place to somebody else ... now Kabam say that if somebody leave the alliance don't get rewards and this is understandable but what's happen if somebody really want you really bad and kick you off one day before rewards .... I think that in some situation and exceptions like 8 November Kabam should also understand my frustration to don't get rewards for 1 day for a stupid official that kick me off .... I just want to PLEASE drop me a line to keep this news on top so maybe and I say maybe kabam can consider a nobody like me .... thanks guys and girls....


  • RobyOneKenobyRobyOneKenoby Member Posts: 18
    Also this is a special case or the famous exception of 8th november that will became the holiday's of kabam server on the calendar :)
  • Captain_NietschCaptain_Nietsch Member Posts: 481 ★★
    I read it, and I care. :wink:
    Maybe some constructive ideas to stop this from happening would be welcome. It is unfortunate that an officer can do this to an alliance member without any repercussions. Granted, at times they might be right. But it also gives them the chance to kick someone like that just to spite them.
    A system that leaves their players to the whims of other players, like Haji_saab said, can always be abused.
  • RobyOneKenobyRobyOneKenoby Member Posts: 18
    edited November 2019
    I'm not crying I'm tryign to be more costructive on an issue that happen to many people .... and of course try to recover rewards because this is an exception.... in any case an entire alliance is under control of officers and leader and if for some reason don't like what you do they just kick you off in my case I advise them that I will be leaving alliance after rewards ... to be fair and let them have the time to find somebody else ... result ==> I was kicked off to leave my space to somebody else without notice ... so I think this is not fair ... so at least give me 2 lines to be very upset because I just received a mail from Kabam with a default answer taken from some BOT so this is the support I was not expecting from a company like Kabam
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Once kabam announcement of the timeline for rewards to be released. They should have locked all alliances. Fair or not for those running the alliances etc... they ultimately put so much power in the hands of random people to decide who gets the rewards and who doesn’t.
    Kabam has shown in recent weeks that they can lock alliances from people being kicked or leaving. So this shouldn’t have been a hard option to implement.
  • GenylGenyl Member Posts: 59
    you are right I did not read this
  • RobyOneKenobyRobyOneKenoby Member Posts: 18
    edited November 2019
    agree totally but after 5 years they start to put rules on this open worlds if not somebody can do anything once they became officer ... and the other hand also players should be fair I'm just concerning that some rules should be made to keep the game right if not people start to leaving the game or like me to just don't buy anything else because right now I feel like I was robbed by a unknown with a big K on the breast :) and it is not Kellogg
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,145 ★★★★★
    I wonder, how many active alliances do they have. The thing is it shouldn't be that difficult to save each alliances' players when season end. Would've let people leave right after that without all that drama
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  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    That sucks. AllI can say is that moving forward, when joining an alliance, ask the leader about their policy on kicking people randomly, as seems to be the case with you. Not all alliance officers treat members that way you describe. IMO an alliance is only as good as its leadership, and when you have officers kicking people without notice and for no better reason than wanting to replace you with another member, that's a bad alliance.

    As an officer, I have only kicked one person, and it was because he was causing trouble and being an ass to other alliance members. We also asked one other person to leave because they had stopped participating in AQ, which is one of our only two requirements. But we let them decide to leave.

    A happy alliance is a good alliance.
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  • RobyOneKenobyRobyOneKenoby Member Posts: 18
    edited November 2019
    that’s the story: I was going to quit after rewards so I have advise them 2 days ago so they will have the time to found somebody else on time for the next season and I specify thatI will quit after rewards then yesterday I had issue on aq and I close it 5 mins before end be cause I went to the hospital because my grandpa didn’t stay well then after 1 hour I was kicked off to leave the space to the other guy who want to enter quickly so they were worry that they will lost him and kick me off thanks aliance to help you for ALL the war of the previous season
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  • RobyOneKenobyRobyOneKenoby Member Posts: 18
    yes I don’t understand why we have always treated by Kabam like a thing and everything they will do we should accept it with just funny compensation and once you have an issue they just forget you sending a BOT emails
  • UltimateBatJokeUltimateBatJoke Member Posts: 221
    Yea I’m pretty sure none of the officers want me to stay, so hopefully I don’t get kicked before rewards
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,197 ★★★★★
    This policy needs to change, knew someone that placed defenders each war except the last one and an officer kicked him with no warning before he could even get the rewards.
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    I'm sorry for the disappointment but we cannot assist with Alliance issues such as this on the forum.
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