Is blade still worth a generic 5* gem?

Kamr05Kamr05 Member Posts: 209
Just pulled blade from my 5 star shard crystals thanks to Kabam’s compensation package. I don’t yet have a 4/55 skill champion

Is blade still worth a generic 5* gem? 54 votes

Yes awaken him now
DL864Spity68Jank39ChewybuccaNanoDroidsolopoloDoonxShroud1969MoosetiptronicSidDDragonLeoCruzArham1Capn_DanteObicrixGOTGTheInfintyKiritoFT121JJBoy19Fusionbang2 19 votes
No save the gem
PantherusNZRagamugginGunnerBuckeyeKPMrLalowTerraSpicyslicermufixJohnyzeroLvernon15exc3lDOKTOROKTOPUSBlackGekkougaAKTEKSpiderCoolsDankestChefIncitatus666LordRaymond3Manar198xcookiedealerRougeknight87 35 votes


  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,656 ★★★★★
    No save the gem
    Generic no, Skill gem yes.
  • OctoberstackOctoberstack Member Posts: 873 ★★★★
    No save the gem
    Terra said:

    Generic no, Skill gem yes.

    Tbh even then I’d be hesitant to use a skill ag on him unless I already had one set aside for aegon
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,656 ★★★★★
    No save the gem

    Terra said:

    Generic no, Skill gem yes.

    Tbh even then I’d be hesitant to use a skill ag on him unless I already had one set aside for aegon
    Depends if you have them already. If you have a Blade it might be years before you pull a Aegon. Personally I do with what I have instead of relying on RNG to get me a better option.
  • OctoberstackOctoberstack Member Posts: 873 ★★★★
    No save the gem
    Terra said:

    Terra said:

    Generic no, Skill gem yes.

    Tbh even then I’d be hesitant to use a skill ag on him unless I already had one set aside for aegon
    Depends if you have them already. If you have a Blade it might be years before you pull a Aegon. Personally I do with what I have instead of relying on RNG to get me a better option.
    Yeah that’s completely fair tbh. Personally I don’t have a particular need for an awakened 5* blade in my roster which is why I’m still holding onto my skill ag, but I can definitely see a good argument against my decision too.
  • Flappy_Ninja64Flappy_Ninja64 Member Posts: 109
    It really depends. What are your options?
  • solopolosolopolo Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    edited November 2019
    Yes awaken him now
    Depends what your roster looks like. Do you have the rest of the blade trinity? What other options do you have? There are a lot of champs your gem could be better used on but it depends if you even have them, and other factors like mastery setup/synergies also matter.
  • monomuggmonomugg Member Posts: 312 ★★
    No save the gem
    I'd say save it for aegon or nick fury
  • Kamr05Kamr05 Member Posts: 209
    solopolo said:

    Depends what your roster looks like. Do you have the rest of the blade trinity? What other options do you have? There are a lot of champs your gem could be better used on but it depends if you even have them, and other factors like mastery setup/synergies also matter.

    As it turns out I pulled Blade, Stark Spidey and Ghost Rider all this month. A year late but still welcome.
  • solopolosolopolo Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    Yes awaken him now
    Kamr05 said:

    As it turns out I pulled Blade, Stark Spidey and Ghost Rider all this month. A year late but still welcome.

    Post your full 5* roster. Easier to give advice that way, unless you've already made the decision.
  • WoozieWoozie Member Posts: 479 ★★
    Unless you already have Nick Fury and Aegon save it.
  • Kamr05Kamr05 Member Posts: 209
  • solopolosolopolo Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    edited November 2019
    Yes awaken him now
    @Kamr05 as far as skill champions, Blade is by far your best option here. If you want to use the gem specifically on a skill champ I'd put it on him, but you have other good options in other classes, i.e. Hyperion and Morningstar, don't know if GHulk or Ghost Rider benefit from their sig, someone else who knows them better might give you a better answer. And I wouldn't wait on a specific champ unless you're specifically going for them in a dungeon crystal or featured crystal, because you never know when or even if you'll ever pull them, so just work with what you already have and make your decision based on that.

    Blade is also currently your best skill target to rank up, especially if you end up awakening him. Killmonger is also great but since you have the ghost rider synergy (and stark?) he's overall a better choice. Killmonger will still be good at rank 3.
  • Kamr05Kamr05 Member Posts: 209
    solopolo said:

    @Kamr05 as far as skill champions, Blade is by far your best option here. If you want to use the gem specifically on a skill champ I'd put it on him, but you have other good options in other classes, i.e. Hyperion and Morningstar, don't know if GHulk or Ghost Rider benefit from their sig, someone else who knows them better might give you a better answer. And I wouldn't wait on a specific champ unless you're specifically going for them in a dungeon crystal or featured crystal, because you never know when or even if you'll ever pull them, so just work with what you already have and make your decision based on that.

    Blade is also currently your best skill target to rank up, especially if you end up awakening him. Killmonger is also great but since you have the ghost rider synergy (and stark?) he's overall a better choice. Killmonger will still be good at rank 3.

    Thank you for taking the time to write this and help me out. I was thinking of waiting a few more crystals to see if my lucky streak continues and I get someone like Nick Fury or Aegon. If not I will take your advice and awaken blade.
  • ChewybuccaChewybucca Member Posts: 95
    Yes awaken him now
    Blade can almost go forever when awakened, his still one of the best Regen champs in my opinion.(on call Regen)
    And you have Starky( 3 charges), there a great couple ( plus GR)
  • mufixmufix Member Posts: 42
    No save the gem
    Why do you say "still"? He was never worth the generic awakening gem. Blade was, is and will be great even unduped. I'd say he is not even worth the skill awakening gem, but that awakened ability can save you lots of health potions.
  • ChewybuccaChewybucca Member Posts: 95
    Yes awaken him now
    mufix said:

    Why do you say "still"? He was never worth the generic awakening gem. Blade was, is and will be great even unduped. I'd say he is not even worth the skill awakening gem, but that awakened ability can save you lots of health potions.

    He can only Regen when awakened, and anyone who can save you potions in This game is king.
    The biggest cost in this game is potions
  • Kamr05Kamr05 Member Posts: 209
    @Chewybucca and @mufix thanks for the responses. I have though carefully about his regen abilities and how many resources that could potentially save me. Plus when I rank up stark Spidey today it only makes sense to have that synergy. I’ll wait until I get some more t2a before I rank Blade, and hopefully I dupe him by then. If not i’ll awaken him. For now I’ll see how my luck goes
  • mufixmufix Member Posts: 42
    No save the gem

    mufix said:

    Why do you say "still"? He was never worth the generic awakening gem. Blade was, is and will be great even unduped. I'd say he is not even worth the skill awakening gem, but that awakened ability can save you lots of health potions.

    He can only Regen when awakened, and anyone who can save you potions in This game is king.
    The biggest cost in this game is potions
    There are far better champs in this game that benefit the awaken ability. In my opinion Generic Awakening gems should be used on champions that *absolutely* need the awaken ability, like Omega Red, Archangel, Aegon, Cap Beardo, Nick Fury, etc. I'd save it. That's my opinion.
  • Ezra7676Ezra7676 Member Posts: 691 ★★
    Only a skill gem. Have you completed act 5, elder bane? That's probably his best piece of content. If you put him with GR for AQ that's a good team though. I miss using my 4* team for AQ.
  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    Yes awaken him now
    He is well worth the gem unless u want to save it for the newer champs like namor or omega or others...but that awakened ability is a unit saver..i agree that there are many champs who would be considered as better option for the gem but it all comes down to personal preference like I used all my generic Sig stones on omega but he is one of the least used r4 champs and that's due to multiple factors the biggest of all being that I don't run suicides whereas blade is my most used champ and he is always being used by me in either questing or aq or aw just because of that amazing regen
    So if u want to use ur gem on him then definitely do it because his awakened ability is one of the most useful in the game
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