What 15.0 war means to Us players..

F4k3_GaM3rF4k3_GaM3r Member Posts: 396 ★★
15.0 update is a welcome change for some people if not the majority but the problem is with the removal of defender kills .. we can all agree that this is a money grab move and removes the skill factor from alliance war ( the reason f2p play players exist in top Allie's ) I think that defender kills should return along with some randown tickets as well . Why the rank down tickets ? Many people I know and many oppennt we faced took up mediocre charcters like hulkbuster and antman as a 5* to r4 to put on thorns and became a team player ..but now they're getting pushed aside by the new update and their efforts are somewhat useless . Another reason for rank down tickets is people took up black widow for one thing and one thing only thorns (atleast The people I've talked with ) 12.0 nerfed her but still people used her ..now what's she gonna be for Spidey killing ? Nah cap wwII and archangel does a much better job and can be used anywhere removing the little utility be had ..what are your thoughts ?


  • NinjaWarrior99NinjaWarrior99 Member Posts: 340
    my immediate thought was that removing defender kills was a money grab. it lessens skill and strategy needed
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,055 ★★★
    Defender kills should always stay as part of the scoring system. People rank up champs specifically for defense, and removing nodes that people had upgraded champs to place on/defeat changes too much. The main reason people would give up is because the rewards didn't match the resources needed to to continue.

    If you are in a big mismatch, eliminating defender kills still does nothing but give people false hope that they can buy a victory. It's no longer about skill, now it's just willingness to spend and still come up short on tie breakers.
  • Rednick69Rednick69 Member Posts: 325
    I think using this for rank down tickets aren't valid because they didn't change a champion. I also have mixed feelings on the defender kill idea. I like that with the update if we get to a boss we can practice on him without consequence where as before, we just wouldn't fight him if it were a close match and didn't have to.

    I also think that before you get too upset about them changing the thorns node you should wait and see what they are putting in. They mentioned something about diversity of defenders.
  • Reformation_RyanReformation_Ryan Member Posts: 60
    War is by far my favorite mode in this game. With creating yet another money grab (6* included in that..what a joke), I find myself contemplating quitting this game for good. Kabam is listening to the whales and doesn't realize very soon when all the F2P to medium spenders quit this game, there will be nobody for the whales to play. Thus the game will be killed completely. Its already hard enough for new players to even come close to where a 2-3 year player is at.
  • MarzGrooveMarzGroove Member Posts: 903 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    War is by far my favorite mode in this game. With creating yet another money grab (6* included in that..what a joke), I find myself contemplating quitting this game for good. Kabam is listening to the whales and doesn't realize very soon when all the F2P to medium spenders quit this game, there will be nobody for the whales to play. Thus the game will be killed completely. Its already hard enough for new players to even come close to where a 2-3 year player is at.

    What part is hard for a new player? Why do I need to be close to an end-gamer?
  • GustaviuxproGustaviuxpro Member Posts: 1
    Tener mejores defensa y ataques es mi pensamiento
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    SubTypical wrote: »
    F4k3_GaM3r wrote: »
    Yup the whales need someone to face and they're killing us off it seems

    People don't realize it, but this really doesn't impact any whale milking. If anything it hurts Kabam's ability to milk.

    The top "whales" (either spenders or highest in skill) finish 100% AW as it is. What decided a win/loss was the defender kill points. Now this will be defense diversity points as the deciding factor. So alliances will be forced to place champs that aren't ideal for AW defense to get those points, making the fights easier, so that fewer items will actually be needed.

    Not only is this a highly unpopular move by Kabam, but they're shooting themselves in the foot in the process.

    Agreed. Biggest unknown factor right now is how difficult the new nodes will be and how difficult it will be to 100% the map. No doubt that top alliances will have 100% clears all-around and it will come down to champ diversity as the tie-breaker like you said. 150 defenders, around 120 total champions in the game, so we will be seeing easier defenders lol.
  • MarzGrooveMarzGroove Member Posts: 903 ★★★
    Yeah definitely will be interesting to see how the diversity will change the AW landscape.
  • TheOneAndOnlyTheOneAndOnly Member Posts: 690 ★★★
    I think you guys miss the most important part of what this update really means. It means we are officially playing the role of Canteen Boy.
  • KhanMedinaKhanMedina Member Posts: 927 ★★★
    As long as degen isn't on the map I'm good with the change.

    They are adding more degen in place of thorns, which is awful since you can't use BW or CB to avoid that. Those long fight champs like HB and Antman will be fine there, but I'd love to rank down Falcon right now.

    Also, the skirmish thing is nothing but trouble brewing. I already see officers putting their crappy champs on good paths just to try and get a kill, which only serves ego and vanity at this point. Now your'e going to reward them for that by giving extra gold per kill? You're going to have every selfish leader/officer putting their champs on the best spots all the time now.
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    I don't understand how this is a money grab? In my tier I have always seen people spend, and have lost some wars because of it. Its still a 10 item cap so people will still be using just as many items as always. Ive never seen people not spend in regards to concerns about defender kills since it very very rarely played a big impact in scoring. Has always come down to boss kills and exploration.
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    I stopped reading as soon as I saw Rank Down Tickets.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,013 ★★★★
    Someone made a valid point in the other discussion, healers can now just slowplay and timeout if they are losing, no point loss, start the fight again and heal
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    Speeds80 wrote: »
    Someone made a valid point in the other discussion, healers can now just slowplay and timeout if they are losing, no point loss, start the fight again and heal
    Im not sure if Im understanding what you're saying. But in current wars if you time out it doesn't count as a defender kill
  • Mwhitaker23Mwhitaker23 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    F4k3_GaM3r wrote: »
    15.0 update is a welcome change for some people if not the majority but the problem is with the removal of defender kills .. we can all agree that this is a money grab move and removes the skill factor from alliance war ( the reason f2p play players exist in top Allie's ) I think that defender kills should return along with some randown tickets as well . Why the rank down tickets ? Many people I know and many oppennt we faced took up mediocre charcters like hulkbuster and antman as a 5* to r4 to put on thorns and became a team player ..but now they're getting pushed aside by the new update and their efforts are somewhat useless . Another reason for rank down tickets is people took up black widow for one thing and one thing only thorns (atleast The people I've talked with ) 12.0 nerfed her but still people used her ..now what's she gonna be for Spidey killing ? Nah cap wwII and archangel does a much better job and can be used anywhere removing the little utility be had ..what are your thoughts ?

    im more aggravated that we have 5 mini bosses now at the same difficulty as the current 3 and we don't get anymore rewards for winning or losing wars
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    F4k3_GaM3r wrote: »
    15.0 update is a welcome change for some people if not the majority but the problem is with the removal of defender kills .. we can all agree that this is a money grab move and removes the skill factor from alliance war ( the reason f2p play players exist in top Allie's ) I think that defender kills should return along with some randown tickets as well . Why the rank down tickets ? Many people I know and many oppennt we faced took up mediocre charcters like hulkbuster and antman as a 5* to r4 to put on thorns and became a team player ..but now they're getting pushed aside by the new update and their efforts are somewhat useless . Another reason for rank down tickets is people took up black widow for one thing and one thing only thorns (atleast The people I've talked with ) 12.0 nerfed her but still people used her ..now what's she gonna be for Spidey killing ? Nah cap wwII and archangel does a much better job and can be used anywhere removing the little utility be had ..what are your thoughts ?

    im more aggravated that we have 5 mini bosses now at the same difficulty as the current 3 and we don't get anymore rewards for winning or losing wars
    That is highly annoying. Ill have to look at the thread on it again, but I seen it mentioned that degeneration will be replacing thorns. Which Id have to say makes war even harder, in my opinion.
  • CuteshelfCuteshelf Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    My first thought was "No Carnage fix..."
  • wray1976wray1976 Member Posts: 459 ★★
    wSWeaponX wrote: »
    Maybe that's why that "bug" where you couldn't see defender kills popped up a while back

    Didn't even think of this. Its clear as day now that you mentioned it.
  • AcanthusAcanthus Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    R4GE wrote: »
    Speeds80 wrote: »
    Someone made a valid point in the other discussion, healers can now just slowplay and timeout if they are losing, no point loss, start the fight again and heal
    Im not sure if Im understanding what you're saying. But in current wars if you time out it doesn't count as a defender kill

    Yes it does. Restart the app and you'll see the kill
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    Are you talking about timing out by force closing the game or just fighting until time runs out? If time just runs out it does not give a kill
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    And maybe you are right. When I seen people time out fighting one of my champs I didn't get a kill. Maybe I do need to reset the app next time to see if it just didn't give me the kill right away
  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    Can someone link to where it was mentioned by a mod that degen would replace Thorns? Missed it in the main thread I guess.
  • RydertheblackRydertheblack Member Posts: 296
    Well, I dont expect anything good from Kabam anymore, and still they manage to disappoint me in many ways.
  • DJRipsterDJRipster Member Posts: 169
    I dont understand why Kabam didnt review the rewards with this update... with the introduction of 6*s, there was also a promise of increased 5* and 4* rewards, so why arent we seeing this along with the introduction of an updated AW ?
  • ApacheApache Member Posts: 558 ★★
    it just basically hands the war to the spenders. its a guaranteed win for them now.
  • wray1976wray1976 Member Posts: 459 ★★
    DJRipster wrote: »
    I dont understand why Kabam didnt review the rewards with this update... with the introduction of 6*s, there was also a promise of increased 5* and 4* rewards, so why arent we seeing this along with the introduction of an updated AW ?

    Most mini bosses with no more rewards. Makes no sense.
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    wray1976 wrote: »
    DJRipster wrote: »
    I dont understand why Kabam didnt review the rewards with this update... with the introduction of 6*s, there was also a promise of increased 5* and 4* rewards, so why arent we seeing this along with the introduction of an updated AW ?

    Most mini bosses with no more rewards. Makes no sense.

    Also assuming with the increased difficulty as you move toward the boss it might be a lot harder to solo paths and explore. Just guessing at this point
  • ImmortalImmortal Member Posts: 323 ★★
    Well, they can't slap their own hands with the release of the grandmaster crystal now can they?!
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