Calling Earth's Mightiest Warriors- Our Alliance needs new heroes in the ongoing fight .

Calling Earths mightiest warriors
Warriors of the battlerealm need new heroes in the ongoing fight .
2.6million rated alliance looking for players .
We do Aq map 3/4 and map 2 when engaged in war .
We regularly participate in wars and with our current war rating of 969 We get 4 star shards, win or lose .
SA biweekly at the moment but if we get the right players that could change .
We use line to organise our attacks but it's not a mandatory requirement .
So if you are 60k+ rated ( or 40k + if you have mad skills) , active and willing to work in a team then you need to join the Warriors of the Battlerealm alliance.
Contact our Esteemed Leader( ign) Biggreendong or officer Ruzzman1