Update Old Champions

mmmpunchmmmpunch Member Posts: 102
As new champions are entering the contest, it seems like the old champions pretty much suck. Or are at least boring to play as, if you compare champions like Wolverine and Spider-man to newer champions, they have extremely basic fighting animations and basic/missing abilities. In fact, compare classic Spider-man to Stark enhanced Spider-man and see how classic Spider-man seems clunky and slow, all old champions special moves are underwhelming and sad to watch. The worst is Captain America's special 3, which is a shield flip and a shield stomp? These Champions are old and outdated compared to new ones, Wolverine who mastered numerous fighting techniques fights like a normal person. Why?

Old champions missing abilities they have from the comics is unsatisfying.
Wolverine doesn't have his signature Berserker Rage

Hulk doesn't have his healing factor

Captain America is supposed to be immune to all poisons and toxins

Symbiote Spider-man doesn't even utilize the Symbiote the same way venom and carnage do etc.

Magneto doesnt have his shield/ force field that protects him

Black Bolt just sucks all together even though he's one of the most powerful in the marvel universe.

The abilities that they DO have, just aren't powerful or meaningful.

When it comes to animations all old iron man champions fight the EXACT same

Ironman,Ultron, war machine, superior iron man,

Black Bold, Spider-man (classic, symbiote, miles) deadpool (classic, xforce) wolverine(classic, weapon x) black panther (classic) ,daredevil (classic, Netflix), Captain America (classic, ww2)

Gamora, storm, ms. Marvel, captain marvel, scarlet witch, black widow, magik

These champions all have the same animations that are slow and clunky, and don't hold the same spectacle that the newer champions do.

I'm not asking for brand new animations for EVER single old Champion. But all the old champions feel old and feel the same, move the same. It sucks as a fan of these Champions play as them and their just not fun. Ghost Rider, Dormammu, omega red, Carnage etc are so much fun to play as because they really feel like their comic book counterparts.


  • CainCain Member Posts: 559 ★★
    Hulk is disappointing to me. Should have rage but kingpin does??
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    Yah hulk is disappointing but they made him when they didn’t have the tech they have now so that’s why. If they made him now he would be much better
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    Gulk is pretty much there replacement
  • mmmpunchmmmpunch Member Posts: 102
    Hulk is still missing his healing factor, magik has the same exact animations as all the other old female champions do. And yeah Gulk is the replacement, that's my point, the old champions are boring and repetitive with missing abilities. The new champions are crazy cool
  • Star_Prince1Star_Prince1 Member Posts: 22
    Definitely, they should rework the old champions. Look at the skills, animations and synergies of the new champions. The old ones are left out. It bothers me that Magneto doesn't block with a force field.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    they are already reworking the older champsions, where have you been? you miss the colossus, oml, gamora, she-hulk upgrades?
  • Star_Prince1Star_Prince1 Member Posts: 22
    I've gone inactive for 9 months.
  • Star_Prince1Star_Prince1 Member Posts: 22
    So which old champion will get reworked next?
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian

    So which old champion will get reworked next?

    Hulk buster
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    So which old champion will get reworked next?

    They leave it up to the community to pick one, the last one is hulkbuster, and they typically chose another to along with the chosen one.
  • poppapavopoppapavo Member Posts: 5
    I enjoy this game and am grateful that I can do so as F2P, but I gotta say this is my biggest pet peeve by far. There's just such a huge gulf between most newer champs and older ones, and prioritizing the release of new and often relatively obscure champs over buffing older "classic" champs kind of stinks from my perspective. I mean, the developers know that a big chunk of the player base are comic fans and champs like Magneto stay untouched while the Venom the Ducks of the world come out and are so much more interesting, let alone powerful. I also find the multi-version offerings of champs has gone way overboard...how many Iron Men and Spider Men etc. do we need? It's just $$ at the end of the day but IMO the best approach to player appreciation would be making a more concerted effort in balancing the champs. Two new champs come out every month and it takes several months to buff older ones. Why can't the developers take a similar approach to the buffs they did with Gamora, Spider Gwen and She Hulk and apply those more broadly? Those were mostly successful, She Hulk "hiccup" notwithstanding but that could have been caught earlier. There can be pretty simple fixes in a lot of cases. You can also make it interactive...let players propose and vote on buffs/synergies and then go with some version of the top choice. Winner gets a free 5 star version or something. Good way to engage the community...
  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    all old champs need atleast diffrent animations, diffrent specials that do something and make them atleast slightly similar to what their comic or movies counterparts are. every name you mentioned needs upgrade for sure!! if their concerned about money and every one having these champions in their roster then they should just sell the upgrades for these champs,who ever wants a buff they can buy one!! i am tired of waiting for those regular "reworks" they have been telling us about since december 2017!! yeh it took 9 freakin months to make a very ordinary champ into slightly less ordinary !! instead of continuos ability nerfs they should focus a little on some animations and ability reworks as well ! having 70+ characters that no one wants or they r all so iidentical its just not fun to play them in arena or even ,has absolute no use in war or aq or questing.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    They already update old champions...

    Besides, your suggestions are just basedon outside sources, from other character's that are not the same we have in the game
  • Rolo_maxRolo_max Member Posts: 57
    they are working one champ (or two) at a time, but people want to see more changes at the same time, takes a lot of time to rework and to test every new ability, but you are right, they need to give at least a little buff to old champs.
    I would like to se Magneto blocking with some kind of force fiel shield like nick fury, have protection like thing, lower ability accuracy of #metal champions (and robots like old medusa and something like nebula), dodge projectiles (bullets or metal) like daredevil, just like in the comics a great villain
  • 313rd313rd Member Posts: 160
    Lormif said:

    they are already reworking the older champsions, where have you been? you miss the colossus, oml, gamora, she-hulk upgrades?

    Knew someone would bring up these decent but “took way too long to only slightly upgrade” champs.

    Why the hell are they choosing to drastically change the old champs to the point where they need six months of testing? Every old champ doesn’t need extensive changing. Some old champs just need a buff or two. Some I would like to see animations changed. Changing winter solider and punishers animations was very nice and I don’t remember that taking so long.

    Why not just add a buff, or a debuff (passive or otherwise) here or there to improve an older champ. Could add an immunity to some. Some older champs have the buffs or ability to inflict debuff a but they need to be increased to match the power new champs have already.

    My point is that some of the older champs that need to be improved to compete with the power of the newer ones, just need a slight buff or ability added. And nothing to where it should take 4-6 months to do.

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  • Drake2078Drake2078 Member Posts: 927 ★★★
    Kabam should definitely tweak some of the older champions to make them relevant. Depending on the champion, increase offense or defense, maybe speed them up slightly.
    Do a complete redo, can take a long time. Look at Colossus and Old man Logan.
  • 313rd313rd Member Posts: 160
    Please no long redos...they take too long and the result sometimes isn’t worth all the fuss. Anyone rank five colossus yet?
  • 313rd313rd Member Posts: 160

    Naw, leave old champions alone. This game needs diversity. Some champs need to be bad and disappoint you. If anything just have them synergize with new champs. If all champions are equal, this game would be a snooze fest.

    Lol this is sarcasm right?

  • Thi101Thi101 Member Posts: 807 ★★★
    Jokes on you
    Gamora’s medium attacks are different from the other females listed
  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 781 ★★★
    313rd said:

    Please no long redos...they take too long and the result sometimes isn’t worth all the fuss. Anyone rank five colossus yet?

    Yeah, me. At least now I can play with him in hard content, hope to do the same with Cyclops before I die old.
  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    Badrose said:

    313rd said:

    Please no long redos...they take too long and the result sometimes isn’t worth all the fuss. Anyone rank five colossus yet?

    Yeah, me. At least now I can play with him in hard content, hope to do the same with Cyclops before I die old.
    you probably have 12-15 5/65s , pretty sure he or logan will ever be anyone's first 5/65
  • exc3lexc3l Member Posts: 71
    They try I'd like to see a series of mini buffs to champs abilities some how
  • jgrazjgraz Member Posts: 82
    be careful what you wish for
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    I just want moon knight and Groot buffed. Don’t care who else
  • SamMarquezSamMarquez Member Posts: 221
    Moonknight and miles need buffs not just because they are outdated but players like playing with them.
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