Community ally- GOLD2-NO DONATIONS

Hey all! We have just had our finest season of our careers we’ve finished in gold 2, we are hitting great aq rewards but always room for improvement. This high finish has seen us lose a handful of players to some major allies which is not ideal so we have a couple vacancies !
Gold 2- set diversity - set paths
Map 4-80 million- no donations
Happy free flowing ally that people have been enjoying for a while. We would like to maintain gold 2 or even climb to gold 1 if possible!
Line is mandatory !
If anyone thinks they are keen to be part of a family of in game friends and grow as a community u are welcome.
Line- bradmercer2.0
Gold 2- set diversity - set paths
Map 4-80 million- no donations
Happy free flowing ally that people have been enjoying for a while. We would like to maintain gold 2 or even climb to gold 1 if possible!
Line is mandatory !
If anyone thinks they are keen to be part of a family of in game friends and grow as a community u are welcome.
Line- bradmercer2.0
In game- Brad Mercer
He will be staying with us until a suitable player has been found, anyone interested hit me up!
Bradmercer2.0 Line
Brad mercer in game
Look forward to hearing from ya !