So Silver Surfer is the prestige Showpiece?

So, I have seen some gameplays posted on Silver Surfer. A champ who heavily relies on his specials spam and is not suicide friendly at all. This guy has no immunities to bleed and poison and it seems old school Hyperion rocks making him a pale shadow of what silver surfer really is. He takes way too long to get those damage numbers up and he is not silver surfer he is a silver spoon.🥄 Even Goldpool is better than he is with suicides and that's saying something. You know game balance seems to taken to a whole new level and Dr.Doom's slaps are more effective than silver surfer's abilities and moves. Well done Kabam at least one thing he is good on is prestige.
Like you don’t from this post. If you’re going to base you assessment on one video posted by one dude from seatin’s alliance then I will tell you to stop being so brash. I watched that video too and it’s very clear he is not intended to be run with suicides. We also have yet to see what he can do outside of a generic matchup. If you were to take a champ like symbiote supreme against any of the fights that were put on display he would be utterly garbage. So go ahead and take your negative attitude and shove it into a hole for a few days at the very least much less a few weeks to give other players an opportunity to figure out what he is all about before you make yourself look silly again like you are right now.
I'm just as disappointed as the next player that hes not some insane champion, but I also realize that I can't automatically dismiss him and get angry because he's not a top 10 champ. It's just not possible to have every new champion release fall into that category.
I'm not happy with SS personally in my first impressions after playing with him, so i won't take him beyond r3 for now.
sorry for any english error