So Silver Surfer is the prestige Showpiece?

Midnite93Midnite93 Member Posts: 4,180 ★★★★★
So, I have seen some gameplays posted on Silver Surfer. A champ who heavily relies on his specials spam and is not suicide friendly at all. This guy has no immunities to bleed and poison and it seems old school Hyperion rocks making him a pale shadow of what silver surfer really is. He takes way too long to get those damage numbers up and he is not silver surfer he is a silver spoon.🥄 Even Goldpool is better than he is with suicides and that's saying something. You know game balance seems to taken to a whole new level and Dr.Doom's slaps are more effective than silver surfer's abilities and moves. Well done Kabam at least one thing he is good on is prestige.


  • edited December 2019
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  • TKS87TKS87 Member Posts: 375 ★★★
    Agentk said:

    TKS87 said:

    Well to be fair he just got released today. Give people some time to figure out how to best cycle his rotation, and he may prove to be better than initially thought. And if he's not, well maybe he will get an adjustment. And not every champ released can be suicide friendly. It's a nice bonus when a champ is suicide friendly, but it can't be a requirement. Just as you can't expect the new champs released every single month to be meta changing..

    Well it’s more the fact that his sub par damage for a champ with little utility was with suicides and synergies
    I don’t think he’s that great of a champ tbh unless I’m missing something insane I’d say he’s low demigod tier
    That's fair, I'm not saying that it isn't disappointing.. I myself was hoping silver surfer was going to be a wicked champ. I do hope that we just need to figure out his rotation.. But maybe I'm just being too optimistic because I had my expectations high. I didn't manage to get my hands on him, but I have been seeing the general consensus so far is underwhelmed. I guess time will tell the full story.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    edited December 2019
    We talking awakened? Not awakened? Maybe that is the key to awaken him. Or a particular synergy.
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  • RoninManRoninMan Member Posts: 747 ★★★★
    If nothing else, I think a particular synergy I’m thinking of could come in VERY handy in AW. I don’t want to give it away just yet, but he may be able to help another champ deal with the most bogus and BS aspect of war currently.
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  • belli300belli300 Member Posts: 704 ★★★
    Midnite93 said:

    belli300 said:

    Midnite93 said:

    So, I have seen some gameplays posted on Silver Surfer. A champ who heavily relies on his specials spam and is not suicide friendly at all. This guy has no immunities to bleed and poison and it seems old school Hyperion rocks making him a pale shadow of what silver surfer really is. He takes way too long to get those damage numbers up and he is not silver surfer he is a silver spoon.🥄 Even Goldpool is better than he is with suicides and that's saying something. You know game balance seems to taken to a whole new level and Dr.Doom's slaps are more effective than silver surfer's abilities and moves. Well done Kabam at least one thing he is good on is prestige.

    Do you already have him? It seems
    Like you don’t from this post. If you’re going to base you assessment on one video posted by one dude from seatin’s alliance then I will tell you to stop being so brash. I watched that video too and it’s very clear he is not intended to be run with suicides. We also have yet to see what he can do outside of a generic matchup. If you were to take a champ like symbiote supreme against any of the fights that were put on display he would be utterly garbage. So go ahead and take your negative attitude and shove it into a hole for a few days at the very least much less a few weeks to give other players an opportunity to figure out what he is all about before you make yourself look silly again like you are right now.
    Looks like you woke up on the wrong side of your bed huh? Everyone is free to make their opinion even myself it's a rough idea i dont expect anyone to agree i know i can be wrong but i dont disrespect others for their thoughts and opinions.
    Except when you formulate an opinion on something you know nothing about yet. You can’t know about something that’s not even been around for 24hr. You are probably just part of large percentage of society who experience the dunning Krueger effect so it may not be your fault.
  • TKS87TKS87 Member Posts: 375 ★★★

    belli300 said:

    Midnite93 said:

    belli300 said:

    Midnite93 said:

    So, I have seen some gameplays posted on Silver Surfer. A champ who heavily relies on his specials spam and is not suicide friendly at all. This guy has no immunities to bleed and poison and it seems old school Hyperion rocks making him a pale shadow of what silver surfer really is. He takes way too long to get those damage numbers up and he is not silver surfer he is a silver spoon.🥄 Even Goldpool is better than he is with suicides and that's saying something. You know game balance seems to taken to a whole new level and Dr.Doom's slaps are more effective than silver surfer's abilities and moves. Well done Kabam at least one thing he is good on is prestige.

    Do you already have him? It seems
    Like you don’t from this post. If you’re going to base you assessment on one video posted by one dude from seatin’s alliance then I will tell you to stop being so brash. I watched that video too and it’s very clear he is not intended to be run with suicides. We also have yet to see what he can do outside of a generic matchup. If you were to take a champ like symbiote supreme against any of the fights that were put on display he would be utterly garbage. So go ahead and take your negative attitude and shove it into a hole for a few days at the very least much less a few weeks to give other players an opportunity to figure out what he is all about before you make yourself look silly again like you are right now.
    Looks like you woke up on the wrong side of your bed huh? Everyone is free to make their opinion even myself it's a rough idea i dont expect anyone to agree i know i can be wrong but i dont disrespect others for their thoughts and opinions.
    Except when you formulate an opinion on something you know nothing about yet. You can’t know about something that’s not even been around for 24hr. You are probably just part of large percentage of society who experience the dunning Krueger effect so it may not be your fault.
    You do know that people aren't formulating opinions from nothing right? Someone pulled and 5/65 a silver surfer as soon as he came and jumped into some endgame content. He used both suicides and 20% Nick Fury attack boost and his damage with maximum rampup didn't even pass 10k on a medium. Of course people are going to be dissapointed by this champ. People might figure out some rotations for him in the future but his damage output will most likely stay the same. He is definitely no namor or captain marvel so we have every reason to be upset.
    While I do get where you're coming from, you can't really be upset when new champs aren't totally on par with some meta defining, top tier champs in the game. While silver surfer may not be on the level of namor and captain marvel, he does seem to be a solid champion at least. I get that there was a lot of hype for this champion, but really any expectations we feel he falls short on comes down to us, the players, putting him too high before he was officially released.

    I'm just as disappointed as the next player that hes not some insane champion, but I also realize that I can't automatically dismiss him and get angry because he's not a top 10 champ. It's just not possible to have every new champion release fall into that category.
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  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    my only issue with silver surfer is , if this is MAX potential of silver surfer then hyperion ,corvus needs massive nerf!!! silver surfer should have atleast been better then those two! ifrom the videos he seems a lot like gimped hyperion, which shouldnt have been the case,if anything hyperion should be gimped silver surfer.they did incredibly dirty to sentry and now silver surfer in same league but not as much due to community uproar on sentry!! make them both better then that broken wrist knockoff pleasee
  • edited December 2019
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  • Animejay70Animejay70 Member Posts: 400 ★★★

    Why does everyone think every champ has to be suicide friendly now? There are people that still don't use them even in the end game

    IKR? i don't use suicides. I like the utility of specials too much and i hate recoil.
  • Animejay70Animejay70 Member Posts: 400 ★★★
    Nocko said:

    Assuming the early reports on Silver Surfer stick true and he's a bit meh... which could totally not be the case given he's been out less than 24 hours and someone might figure out a rotation that makes him really good... but why do we expect every new champion to be the absolute best champ to enter the game?
    Like if every month, every champion released is an absolute beast, doesnt it just devalue everyone else really, really, really quickly? Isn't that how you just lose players because then it really is only about spending money?

    Im ok with with not every champ being a total stud... you gotta have Iron Patriot's so you can appreciate the Nick Fury's

    I think the backlash in this case is because a lot of the big name champs seem to be underwhelming considering how powerful they are in the Marvel universe.

    I'm not happy with SS personally in my first impressions after playing with him, so i won't take him beyond r3 for now.
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  • ApostilaTTMApostilaTTM Member Posts: 7
    people cry a lot !! he is nice, kind of cosmic iceman... the game doesnt have a lot of nodes with this debufs (shock, incinerate and coldsnap) today, but in the near future i think kabam will put them more and more. This year kabam put a lot of champions with at least one of those debuf imunities (claire, human torch, annihilus, thing, doom, havok, sunspot, warlock and colossus), and i think they put this in the game for reasons of future content.
    sorry for any english error
  • SeraphSeraph Member Posts: 65
    Axo4545 said:

    I think the reason everyone is upset is because every champ that should be (according to the marvel universe) OP kabam seems to make them some of the weakest in the game. Sentry, Phoenix,
    now Silver Surfer. I know they can't stick to the marvel universe on everything because if they did then certain champs would beat all content easily but come one this is getting a little ridiculous. You have these champs, that should be powerful that aren't and you have champs like Nick Fury, Cap IW, Ghost, and others that are no where near the others power lvl yet they are some of the most powerful in the game. Surfer should at least have immunities. He can withstand flying through space (extremely cold) but he's affected by frostbite? He can fly through stars but he's affected by incinerate? Nothing has ever been shown to ever penetrate his skin but in the game he bleeds? Like I said I understand that kabam couldn't make him as powerful as he is supposed to be of it would be game over but they could have done a better job than this. If they aren't going to follow any semblance of the characters then why even use them? They should just create original characters and remove all the marvel characters from the game. At least then players wouldn't be upset when they take characters that should be powerful and make them a shadow of what they should be.

    Completely agree, well said!
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    He's not that great. But same thing with Human Torch, all hype and little to no burst damage.
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