So how bad was Ice Phoenix?
Member Posts: 1,470 ★★★★★
I always hear about how bad she was to fight personally during that time I wasn’t playing so please tell me how bad was she?
With a rank 4 5-star champion with class advantage, the coldsnap was enough to almost kill your champion at full HP.
That Coldsnap was impossible back then. Today she would be no problem at all. ☻👍
There were a couple of exceptions, Rogue being the one that comes to mind. If you could either reduce the duration of the coldsnap or shake the debuff off you could survive. But I don’t think anything under 4/55 could just tank the damage fully.
Others have already described the difficult attributes of Ice Phoenix - the initial cold snap and the heal block - but what really made her nasty was the consequences of all that stuff. At the time not many people had experience fighting Iceman so evading Ice Phoenix’s specials was not easy for most. Couple that with the heal block and you get a champion what was very likely to kill you. Couple *that* with the initial coldsnap damage and you get a champ you couldn’t just revive and fight again, so you couldn’t just keep trying until you got her. If you died, you either had to revive *and* use a lot of potions (or else coldsnap would just kill you at the start of the fight) or reset the whole map and try again.
To be honest, at the time there was probably a lot of players dealing with UC content by just reviving their way through the rough spots, and Ice Phoenix was something you couldn’t do that for. That made her especially nasty for many UC players at the time. But even pretty good players could have extreme difficulty with her.