Should rank downs be handed out in light of 15.0 and the new aw announcement?

I know this has been touched on many times even just since the announcement of 15.0 and the aw changes but I truly believe this needs to have as much discussion and light spread on it as possible. So let's keep the trolling, rants, and childish nonsense at the kids table where it belongs. Now I myself and many like me ranked up champions for specific nodes in this aw setup. I took a unduped Nightcrawler to r5 for the left miniboss node. I don't like using him, nor is he any help to my personal prestige. I did it to be a team player and help my alliance. Many others have made the same sacrifices. I'm not saying we should be handed a bunch of rankdowns. Maybe only one even. But I believe if Kabam is going to change a large aspect of the game some sort of compensation should be given to reset for the new setup. I myself am a paying player. Maybe not like the big spenders of this game but I still pay a good chunk of what I can to play this game and resources don't come easy so taking a champ to r5 is no small accomplishment. Also added into the equation should be the announcement of 6* champions. So as stated above let's keep this professional ladies and gentlemen, and get some much needed attention brought to this aspect of our game! Thank you for your time!
Should rank downs be handed out in light of 15.0 and the new aw announcement? 200 votes
The team will not randomly choose some champ and give random RDT to that champ, since next time they are offered they will be specific
Going to be? people have been trying to find ways to get more tickets since they dropped this is just the latest attempt
Do you have a counter argument? Not sure what you're hoping for with that comment. I'm not the one not giving you RDTs so take your anger out on someone else
Own it.
Oh, here comes the smart guy. Tell me how many T4 catalysts have you ever used for ranking a 3s and then try again using some brain this time. Again, wake up.
I disagree with you there, people ranked ant man up for no other reason than thorns, if thorns gets taken away, what use will that 4/55 Ant-Man have now
I've been playing this game from the beginning please tell me, at what point were there no 4*s....
On another note most of the people in this thread have voiced there opinions in very respectable manners. Others not so much. Stop being tools and either contribute wisely or keep it to yourself. Someone said I was only hurting my cause. Okay maybe. But what hurts my and others causes is people being rude on threads like this and destroying any credibility for EITHER side. So like I asked in my op please let's keep it professional guys! Thanks again for weighing in! No matter what side of the fence you are on!
Why does stupidity need to get rewarded though? Those players got higher prestige from the rankup which got them better AQ rewards then players who tried to manage their resources.
Who people Rank is entirely up to them. Ant-Man still performs the same whether the Node is in War or not. Nothing is being changed about the Champ, and RDTs are only intended for changes to the Champs themselves, not content. The issue has already been answered here:
2. If your alliance force you to r4 your 5* ant man, you gonna have more problems in there than my ant man is useless, since the leader and officer will now force you to rank up even crappier champs for diversity.
3. if you rank up Black Widow or Falcon and now want to rank down them to rank up your newly obtained Gwenpool then it's cheating.
How exactly is that cheating? Players choice is it not
Will Kabam hand them out? 99.5% chance of no.