is it recommended to explored 100% each act?

The rewards for 100% exploration always looks intriguing. However is it always worth doing or does it depend on the Act/ Special Quest?

Thank you


  • issamaf80issamaf80 Member Posts: 1,472 ★★★
  • Mentalboy1Mentalboy1 Member Posts: 181
    Yes, always do 100% if you can. I usually do one path per section to complete it. Then re visit to get my 100%
  • BigMoBigMo Member Posts: 175
    I did that for my first account. But I started a second account and never went back and 100% act 2 or 3. I rushed through to get act 4 finished and then uncollected. If you can push for completing the acts and go back to 100% when you get stuck professing further
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Act 4 gives extra mastery points, I believe. Or is it act 3? Anyway, for every other act so far exploration rewards don't make that much difference and it's better to progress further with next act available
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    BigMo said:

    I did that for my first account. But I started a second account and never went back and 100% act 2 or 3. I rushed through to get act 4 finished and then uncollected. If you can push for completing the acts and go back to 100% when you get stuck professing further

    This is what I would recommend
    Try progressing as far as possible in story and when you get stuck, start exploring past acts.
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★
    I say work on getting 100% exploration. I feel it is better to explore as I go to get it behind me. Plus there are nice rewards for BOTH completion and exploration. Of course I see why others say to complete as far as you can and then go back for exploration once you get stuck in progressing. Either way are fine options. It is a choice you can't go wrong either way.
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    Everything through act 5 100% act 6 try to carve out completion. Imo. Act 6 just isn’t worth it. I am sure 6.4 rewards will be nice but I still can’t see them being worth it for most
    kabam buffed rewards for exploring act 1 and 2 so why not?
  • NerdNerdNerd1NerdNerdNerd1 Member Posts: 379 ★★★
    for act 1 and 2 its worth for the units, act 3 only do when theres an item on thst path, act 4 yes for t2a, act 5 obviously, act 6 if you can itemless, until chapter 4 is released itll prob stay that way
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    If it's doable, it's always good to 100% any quest haha. The one exception is back issues regular difficulty, not worth the effort.
  • TaZ_4178TaZ_4178 Member Posts: 506 ★★

    The rewards for 100% exploration always looks intriguing. However is it always worth doing or does it depend on the Act/ Special Quest?

    Thank you

    Honestly, I've progressed better by doing completion first then coming back for 100%... especially in act 4, 5, 6, and variants. Go for completion then come back is my suggestion.
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