ROL wolverine

I was playing with my 5* rank 4 unduped symbiot supreme against ROL wolverine, and at many occasions(like 15-20 times) I had 2-3 staggers on him(wolverine) and the next regen buff was NOT getting nullified, which made him go to full health several times. Why kabam way, you lot panic if a bug in the game is helping the player and fix it instantly and do nothing about this kind of Bulls**t. Not want to get mad but you make me mad. I need answers ASAP.
And I also did not find proper section to report this bug on the support page.


  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★
    There is a Bugs and Known Issues page for exactly this
  • edited December 2019
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  • BobomanBoboman Member Posts: 716 ★★
    Human Torch helps
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,344 ★★★★★
    The boy did another run through yesterday while farming pots.

    5r4 venom for everyone else, 5r1 she hulk for wolvy.
  • AngrymcocplayerAngrymcocplayer Member Posts: 5
    I have completed ROL many times, was just having some fun, at one point wolverine was on 15% health
  • solmyrairsolmyrair Member Posts: 388
    I’ll say again - use Aegon if you have. Damage will surpass regen.

    Or like someone said AA.

    But this’s quite interesting what did you ask.. in trying on my SS now and I also saw some buffs (like regen, power gain) triggering on despite being staggered.. not sure how it works.
  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★
    Back in the day when I completed ROL, I used 3* guilly for wolvie. Long fight but effective. I'm sure these days when everyone is getting better champs, tons more options exist
  • Rajrk91342Rajrk91342 Member Posts: 180
    Use Guillotine Against ROL Wolverine
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    I know not many people have him, but Warlock is a great counter to ROL Wolverine. Shuts down his healing.
  • BDeezyBDeezy Member Posts: 119
    I completed for the 1st time yesterday. (I was stoked despite the poor rewards) I used my warlock for him and absolutely shredded him.
  • Halvy5Halvy5 Member Posts: 34
    Dr Doom is a good counter for ROL Wolverine. Stagger with heavy and nullify with special 1 shuts down his regen. Get 2 furies from his special 3 and melt Wolverine with incinerates from Doom’s special 2.
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    Use Void or AA and problem solved. No need to use SS at all since there are better options. Even 3* versions do the job easily.
  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 781 ★★★

    I was playing with my 5* rank 4 unduped symbiot supreme against ROL wolverine, and at many occasions(like 15-20 times) I had 2-3 staggers on him(wolverine) and the next regen buff was NOT getting nullified, which made him go to full health several times. Why kabam way, you lot panic if a bug in the game is helping the player and fix it instantly and do nothing about this kind of Bulls**t. Not want to get mad but you make me mad. I need answers ASAP.
    And I also did not find proper section to report this bug on the support page.

    A lot of strange things recently. Speaking of ROL, Warlock infection does not affect Juggernaut unstoppable ability, at least not always. I had 5 Infection Charges on him and he became unstoppable... Impossbile? No, just Kabam :)
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