Expiry date of Greater gifting crystl
If expiry date of GGC is 31 DEC (as per the timer on GGC showing) then what about the 5 GGC crystals people will get after exploring "Epic difficulty Hall of Heroes event quest Week 4" it should definately exceed the expiry date
Hopefully the 8 day 3 hour timer that is on top of the Inventory GGC and GC Crystals just represents when they will no longer be available to buy as gifts for other people anymore (matches the timer for Gifting Events).
Crystals have never expired (except those Hero versions from long ago that they told people earlier this year they were going to remove from system if people did not open them).
Also FYI, unclaimed gifted crystals can remain in stash for up to 7 days before needing to claim them (else they expire from stash), same for rewards from Events.
And overflow potions (ie, all the potions in Halls of Heroes) from quest rewards probably have the same 14 days in Stash-Inventory as if finding individual Heals/Revives along quest paths, while overflow Cats and ISO can last 30 days in Stash.
While the GGC from HoH will just go directly into your regular Crystal Inventory (again, hopefully timer will not apply).
To OP, it does seem odd though that they would have a timer sitting on top of those crystals in the Crystal Inventory Page, as another person had inquired about, since you can’t actually “buy” any directly from there (which is why there are timers on top of some other Crystals in there).