Secure trading system , no scams

So I was thinking a trading system would be amazing with items in this game , depending on your level you can trade a certain amount of things , the trading system will have 2 small windows where 1 is for each person you each pick a item then lock it in after you each lock in a pop up will say “would you like to trade ____ for _____” then an accept or decline will be at the bottom of it . Trading champions would not be balanced so only items can be traded . So for example 4 star items will be limited to a certain amount while 5 star items will be limited even more , then we get a reset timer to be able to do this like every week . Awakening gems should be limited to a certain amount trade per week based on tier (stars) . The value of awakening gems is greater than like a health potion so limit one awakening gem per tier for the week while health potion depending on level will have a certain limit as well
HOWEVER, for GIFTING EVENT... Would be great if there was a system put in place (like stock trading) whee you enter what it is you want to get (and thus, what you will be gifting away, exact same items) and the system would put you in a queue that would automatically fulfill GIFT TRADES automatically.
Placing your “gifting order” would commit your Units right away, even though it might be several minutes (or maybe longer) until the order gets fulfilled.
So long as the “order” has not executed yet, you would be able to request to “cancel” it (just like stock trading).
And any unfulfilled orders at the very end of Gifting Event would just be cancelled as well (that would only happen for at most 1 person for each type of gifting item available). **or maybe Kabam could just act as a final “clearinghouse” or “bank” and fulfill those final orders from out of their own treasury (sort of like those final odd amount Gifts basically end up gifting that last item to yourself)
That would prevent a lot of headache about having to potentially trust someone from global chat, etc. as you would NOT be able to be cheated by someone if you used this gifting method.
Would just make it easy (and Scam-Proof) to trade Gifts, just like Gifting is done now between friends or alliance mates, etc, without chance of someone scamming you and not returning a gift back to you that you send them first.
Sort of like blind Dungeon Find Partner system, but this would actually be totally annonymous, and both transactions occur behind the scenes simultaneously.
Kabam would make even more money because more people would buy Unit Paks in order to Trade Gifts (some ppl don’t have enough “reliable” people to trade with, especially relatively newer people like those in smaller alliances).