Gifting event

CRE4TORCRE4TOR Member Posts: 39
I know this will fall on deaf ears because Kabam makes a killing with this event. That’s why it continues year after year. The rewards are nice(expensive to hit, but nice).

How are you guys dealing with the mercs dumping units into ally’s for this event?

While I like the event, to me it promotes a huge imbalance in the game for those that work the system.

Booting players for top spenders, buying from mercs third party, and not regulating what is being done.

This is several years of occurrences. I would have thought the design team would have ironed out most of the flaws and made this event more enjoyable for the whole community.

This should never be called a “Gifting” event.


  • IronGladiator22IronGladiator22 Member Posts: 1,733 ★★★★
    I completely agree with you. Alliances with you tubers or people who can afford to just constantly whale out on buying things are gonna do so much better than others and no amount of grinding for units can make up that
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    The team is always working to make sure the contest is as fair as possible and working to improve the methods by which they do so. Due to our privacy policy though, we can't really share details about anyone's account, including if an account has had any action taken against it. For obvious reasons, we also aren't really able to share all of the methods we use or develop to deal with actions that would violate the rules either.
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