None of the playable champs hav a tough to evade sp for me. Depends on how many times u hv played against them. Some sp are not fully evadable tho, considering that.
Venom sp2 and sometimes groots sp2. For some reason i often mistime evading groots sp2 fortunately it doesnt hit hard so its no big deal. And venoms is just too quick
In terms of avoiding, Vision Aarkus and Grandmasters special 2s is pretty high up there. Damage wise, has already been mentioned by others so I won't bother.
As far as difficulty evading? Bishop, Human Torch, Red Skull are a few. I don't think Doom's sp2 is as bad as people claim he is, he just has odd timing that you need to get used to. Similar to Emma Frost sp2. Doom's flashy animations can be very distracting though.
Animation wise warlock doom bwcv
Damage wise, has already been mentioned by others so I won't bother.
Ghost, Sunspot, CapIW, Scarlet Witch and Storm