4 Star sentinel still worth ranking as a cavalier player? (Variant 3 in mind)

IvarTheBonelessIvarTheBoneless Member Posts: 1,282 ★★★★
So I'm at 6.2.6/v2 100%/v4 2 paths left for 100%/v3 one run through and v1 ch2.1. My team is 5/65 CMM, domino, aegon and blade. My tech champs are 4/55 ghost/darkhawk/star lord, 6 r1 red skull/yondu/rocket raccoon and a 4/50 sparky.

Since we got a r2-4 gem from halls of heroes I'm wondering if it's still worth ranking sentinel for variant 3. Are there any paths or fights specifically for sentinel that I would still struggle with even though I have this roster?

I'd much rather rank my 4 star ronan or one that's fun to play that I don't have a 5 star version of. What are your thoughts?


  • DevilMayCryDevilMayCry Member Posts: 77
    Final kang boss in 3.2 regens back to full health if he don't have a incinerate or shock debuff on him when timer expires .

    So IMIW, sentinel is good for that fight. However seen video of summoners using tech boost on and fully boosted soled that fight with ghost.

    In my personal run I took around 60% health with ghost and when he was about to heal back quit the fight and did rest with sentinel.
  • UraniumUranium Member Posts: 103
    I mean can i still answer if i am not cavalier but have done V3?
  • IvarTheBonelessIvarTheBoneless Member Posts: 1,282 ★★★★

    Final kang boss in 3.2 regens back to full health if he don't have a incinerate or shock debuff on him when timer expires .

    So IMIW, sentinel is good for that fight. However seen video of summoners using tech boost on and fully boosted soled that fight with ghost.

    In my personal run I took around 60% health with ghost and when he was about to heal back quit the fight and did rest with sentinel.

    I used my 4/55 gwenpool for that and she worked a treat so no problems there! Also have 3/45 human torch if needed.
    Uranium said:

    I mean can i still answer if i am not cavalier but have done V3?

    Yeah ofcourse man! I was just giving context on my progression and roster so people can give more accurate advice. Let's hear it!

  • UraniumUranium Member Posts: 103
    Basically yeah sentinel will pretty much handle every fight in V3 and there's a specific node that benefits him in V3 that makes him gain his charges x2 times faster if you have ghost i wouldn't rank him up tho except if you're planning on doing kang w him
  • AlexAvalonAlexAvalon Member Posts: 655 ★★★
    5/50 sentinel is a monster in v3, wouldn't be bad to have him along with ghost imo
  • AanthoAantho Member Posts: 159

    Final kang boss in 3.2 regens back to full health if he don't have a incinerate or shock debuff on him when timer expires .

    So IMIW, sentinel is good for that fight. However seen video of summoners using tech boost on and fully boosted soled that fight with ghost.

    In my personal run I took around 60% health with ghost and when he was about to heal back quit the fight and did rest with sentinel.

    I used my 4/55 gwenpool for that and she worked a treat so no problems there! Also have 3/45 human torch if needed.
    Uranium said:

    I mean can i still answer if i am not cavalier but have done V3?

    Yeah ofcourse man! I was just giving context on my progression and roster so people can give more accurate advice. Let's hear it!

    Do you think Human Torch is a good option to defeat Kang? I sas looking for videos but couldn't find it
  • IvarTheBonelessIvarTheBoneless Member Posts: 1,282 ★★★★
    Yep I think he's a good option but he also requires more skill than hyperion, gwenpool or sentinel.
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