4 Star sentinel still worth ranking as a cavalier player? (Variant 3 in mind)

So I'm at 6.2.6/v2 100%/v4 2 paths left for 100%/v3 one run through and v1 ch2.1. My team is 5/65 CMM, domino, aegon and blade. My tech champs are 4/55 ghost/darkhawk/star lord, 6 r1 red skull/yondu/rocket raccoon and a 4/50 sparky.
Since we got a r2-4 gem from halls of heroes I'm wondering if it's still worth ranking sentinel for variant 3. Are there any paths or fights specifically for sentinel that I would still struggle with even though I have this roster?
I'd much rather rank my 4 star ronan or one that's fun to play that I don't have a 5 star version of. What are your thoughts?
Since we got a r2-4 gem from halls of heroes I'm wondering if it's still worth ranking sentinel for variant 3. Are there any paths or fights specifically for sentinel that I would still struggle with even though I have this roster?
I'd much rather rank my 4 star ronan or one that's fun to play that I don't have a 5 star version of. What are your thoughts?
So IMIW, sentinel is good for that fight. However seen video of summoners using tech boost on and fully boosted soled that fight with ghost.
In my personal run I took around 60% health with ghost and when he was about to heal back quit the fight and did rest with sentinel.