My fourth Six Star champion! Thrilled with this one!
I've learnt my lesson not to level up champions I hate looking so that they don't appear near the top of my roster screen. Magneto just made the list. Unfortunately I didn't think about that when I levelled up King Groot, now he's a permanent eye sore. Saw a couple of people in my alliance with like 6 star Corvus, Domino, Stealth Spidey...etc. 2020 the luck is consistent.
Edit: Also all out of the buff range of bad : /
Passive : Magnetism
Against champions with "metal" tag , delivering blows and receiving block damage magneto gains magnetism charges, he can gain magnetism charges upto 250.
every parry gives 5 Mcharges. every blocked hit increases it by 10.
- reduces offensive and defensive ability accuracy upto 60%+ at 200 charges
- increase attack rating by 100%+ at 100 charges.
- critical resistance by 1600+ at 50 charges
- creates magnetic forcefield reducing
damage from a single blow by upto 95% at max magnetic charges. 250.
- against robot champions 100% ability accuracy at 250.
- 50% resistance to bleed ,shock and incinerate debuffs against "metal" champions at 50+ charges.
- special attack one 100% chance to bleed and armor break for 12 seconds for 1200 armor reduction
- special attack two armour break for 3100 for 22 seconds
- special three - Elemental
animation - magneto controls metal in
opponent's blood streams and earth unleashing devastating number of blows from inside and outside forces.
this attack increases magneto's attack rating by 100%+ and breaks armor for 3500 for 25 seconds.