Addition event quest this month?

Do you guys reckon we will get an addition sort of event this month?
Like the stark assignments/raccoon workshop...
It seems to go 1 month normal, 1 month has additional content, so this has been a normal month, I have a feeling with all the war changes it will stay as a standard month... which sucks.
Like the stark assignments/raccoon workshop...
It seems to go 1 month normal, 1 month has additional content, so this has been a normal month, I have a feeling with all the war changes it will stay as a standard month... which sucks.
Grow up fool
I know mate, was just wondering what everyone else here thinks, I know the mods won't say anything
We will be told once the next update comes out and they release all information about the monthly special event and other stuff. My personal guess is that we will miss out on an extra special challenge though given that war is being revamped.
Yah that was my original thinking, I would be happier if war rewards and crystals had been revamped too though, not just the map and nodes
Could really use an extra event this month. Free stuff from the calendars is great, but when you can't progress farther in the normal chapters it's nice to have an extra quest to get some better rewards on.
Just not the ones that pop up for a few hours at a time. If you need timed ones just make them daily. Not fun having to check in with the game every couple hours to just not miss one. With the spiderman timed quests I felt like I had to set a timer or not sleep to get them all.
Not sure what's coming, but I would love to see Rifts return again.
What's that gotta do with anything? Never knew there was an ignore feature, you can be my first anyway tool
Random comment, but we could probably assume its direction. Can't condone the reaction you gave, but it's off-topic for sure.