1 star Champs considerations

GustavvvvGustavvvv Member Posts: 5
Hey Kabam,
I totally get that people like me who sold my 1 stars few years ago made a mistake. I can tell it now. But you guys need to consider that during the majority of our growth in the game we never used them. Now, for the last years 1 stars were not even available anymore for us to rectify our actions. And 50 units for a 20% chance is really expensive. As I see it, you could bring helpful solutions for those who are trying to finish v4. First, you could do a 1 star Champs crystal. Still won't be that easy to get bleed and poison immune Champs. Second, you could change the biohazard and poison nodes that are making impossible for as to complete the quest without the right champ. It seems a bit unfair that just now 1 stars Champs are important and when we have spent lots of resources to grow in this game for years! Please give us a chance to finish v4 without expending even more resources that we have already given to you. Thanks.


  • GustavvvvGustavvvv Member Posts: 5
    It's a game! Not real life! And I'm only asking for a better way to get 1*s man. We all grow in the game, but growing doesn't necessarily mean going back the boost 1 stars! Ok I won't discuss it anymore... I get your point. Just disappointed.
  • ECOMAECOMA Member Posts: 328 ★★
    zuffy said:

    What about someone that never got 1* hulk and once you become uncollected, you can’t get 1* from the alliance crystal anymore.

    That's a different issue to me but a crystal solves that too so
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,262 ★★★★★
    That is not right that I have to gamble on crystals. No guarantee I would get vision and hulk needed to explore 3.2
  • ECOMAECOMA Member Posts: 328 ★★
    zuffy said:

    That is not right that I have to gamble on crystals. No guarantee I would get vision and hulk needed to explore 3.2

    Well then it's not right I cant get a 6 ghost or omega for 6.3 .

    Without a gamble
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,262 ★★★★★
    FWIW, I have explored variant 2-4 in main account but I can’t explore variant 4 3.2 in my alt account.
  • ECOMAECOMA Member Posts: 328 ★★
    zuffy said:

    FWIW, I have explored variant 2-4 in main account but I can’t explore variant 4 3.2 in my alt account.

    I've explored all of them. On main and 4 on alt.. you want a hulk and vision you buy Crystal's I want ghost ill buy crystals difference isni wont come complain I dont have one and demand a better way
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,262 ★★★★★
    ECOMA said:

    I've explored all of them. On main and 4 on alt.. you want a hulk and vision you buy Crystal's I want ghost ill buy crystals difference isni wont come complain I dont have one and demand a better way
    LOL. Buying crystals don’t guarantee you a ghost. I got 6* domino, Thing, 5* Hyperion, corvus, capiw, ghost, aegon, sparky, sparkles and many other champs in my alt account . I didn’t have to spent buy a single crystal to get them. All of it was earn from shards.
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,262 ★★★★★
    We did had a method of getting 1* from alliance crystals but you can’t get them from them anymore after becoming uncollected.
  • ECOMAECOMA Member Posts: 328 ★★
    zuffy said:

    We did had a method of getting 1* from alliance crystals but you can’t get them from them anymore after becoming uncollected.

    So the real complaint was they made the game too easy for newer players to advance.

    I agree they should slow down shards on newer players so they can get the 1s they want
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,262 ★★★★★
    No, you’re feeling proud cause you have the 1* needed for variant 4. You wouldn’t be singing the same song if you’re on the other side of the situation.
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  • ECOMAECOMA Member Posts: 328 ★★
    zuffy said:

    No, you’re feeling proud cause you have the 1* needed for variant 4. You wouldn’t be singing the same song if you’re on the other side of the situation.

    I'd have powered thru by now gamora and a few heals did fine for a buddy.
    Some content requires a counter 6.2.2 sinister
    6.26 champion
    Lol x23 you find a way to get that counter or you dont beat it
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,262 ★★★★★
    No gamora either so no champs with fury for caustic temper path.
  • ECOMAECOMA Member Posts: 328 ★★
    zuffy said:

    No gamora either so no champs with fury for caustic temper path.

    Vision and time I did a few fights with him .

    That's 25 percent of all available 1 stars that work just not ideal.

    25 percent is better then alot of content
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,262 ★★★★★

    I’ve been saying for years never to sell champions... so I’m just going to take pleasure in this moment & say...

    Accept responsibility for your actions and move on Lol...

    Great for you that managed to earn all these 1* before becoming uncollected.
  • ECOMAECOMA Member Posts: 328 ★★
    Rhis has been enlightening I've learned that the game is too easy for new players and they should only get 1s for the first few months and not have access to content so they dont feel robbed of their 1s later.
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,262 ★★★★★
    Funny, my alt account is a few years old. Just never bother to buy alliance crystals everyday and wishing for 1* champs.
  • ECOMAECOMA Member Posts: 328 ★★
    zuffy said:

    Funny, my alt account is a few years old. Just never bother to buy alliance crystals everyday and wishing for 1* champs.

    So the game is too easy and hands out too many high ranked champions too early. I completely agree with that
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,262 ★★★★★
    How you come to conclusion? LMAO. It took 3 years to get the first 6*. 2 years to get 5* Angela.
  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★
    Just give it time. Its only been a month since Variant 4 came out. They may have a way to get 1* champs for free in the future. Just because u cant do the content today doesn't mean in a year u won't have the champ to do it. Its that simple. Either be patient and wait or buy the crystals and do it now. Those are the 2 options. I dont care which you choose. Not all content is able to be completed by all ppl.
  • ECOMAECOMA Member Posts: 328 ★★
    zuffy said:

    How you come to conclusion? LMAO. It took 3 years to get the first 6*. 2 years to get 5* Angela.

    And here you are saying you cant get 1s. Sounds like your 5s and 6s were too soon to me. Blowing thru easy content cause they didn't give you enough 1s early on
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