Fav - NF or maybe cmm with a 200% power boost thing, if you get ur crits she can easily stun lock. And added benefit very nice on flare/both champs power/reduced power charges
I love Mysterio. Has utility, has damage, interesting mechanics and he looks very good in the game.
Graphics-wise I hate Elsa or Guilly 2099. The cloak looks weird as well as Elsa's hair. Gameplay-wise I hate Annihilus. Hectic to play as, terrible to play against (not impossible tho)
Mine Favourite: human torch, he’s got animations, damage and utility Least, gotta say Diablo and (unpopular opinion) mr sinister in my opinion wasn’t what he was hyped up to be
Graphics-wise I hate Elsa or Guilly 2099. The cloak looks weird as well as Elsa's hair.
Gameplay-wise I hate Annihilus. Hectic to play as, terrible to play against (not impossible tho)
For me damage wise is thing.
Animations is tied between mysterio and ronin.
Overall Namor: good animations, incredible damage.
Favourite: human torch, he’s got animations, damage and utility
Least, gotta say Diablo and (unpopular opinion) mr sinister in my opinion wasn’t what he was hyped up to be