DH-DŁ, Top 150 AQ, 400m+ AQ Score, LF1
Looking for 1 player after AQ ends. Run 6x5 AQ and P4 AW. Prestige ideally is above 10k. Can accommodate lower if there are rankups on the way.
Contact me on Line, in game or here. If you are having trouble finding me in game, search “disadvantaged” in the alliance search bar.
Ally Tag: DH-DŁ
IGN: •Bubba
Line: Bubba6161
Contact me on Line, in game or here. If you are having trouble finding me in game, search “disadvantaged” in the alliance search bar.
Ally Tag: DH-DŁ
IGN: •Bubba
Line: Bubba6161
Most recent AQ Placement