Rate my 5 star roster

TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
This is my 5 star roster it’s pretty small but I have had a beyond godly pull in namor and some trash luck in Diablo and beast but I’m curious to here how good my roster is on a 1-10 rating I’m thinking of doing variant 4 but I’m not sure yet this will really help me thanks!

Rate my 5 star roster 110 votes

zuffyDOKTOROKTOPUSWorknprogressNiteAndDaeBrokenBruinsfan8510RakeYoungRaiserWoogieboogieLordNeoLeoCruzAlOX952Des99TheTalentsWade420wilson69BaluleeMrSpoonLucianoDelHoya 18 votes
MagicBentonOesername123X_Factor_AgentBerserker22natewagz419Icy000Stellan 7 votes
DrenlinGAM3RGUYLt_Magnum_1Harvey_HJTrap_Jesusspiderbites0196PHJfinAngusMac279ElSweetToothAaronc94Ewell65SSS69Ctfz35MaqsoodSynq_SpawnzyyIce_and_FireAomine_Daiki10 16 votes
benshbSpeedbumpAlex13369Hendrossshadow_lurker22Jaina97TankRichardsonKillershark021Deadpool87DonDudu2809Hedrongp87FreeToPlay_21Owl_0wlNimorPricelessFiiNCHRerun_9SheDroveMeHereTheToxicCactus 21 votes
ShrimkinsSaiyanMrLalowDuke_SilverPh1313PeterQuillShadowXWeeaeaFhfjghhggggjfhfjgTheSquish671TheDuke899TSM_McocLegionnaireMawrCalleachGiodood_1OctoberstackPablo276lowlevelplayerIdonthaveaname 19 votes
Master3418TheHeroDeservedDankestChefSolotrixLoctiteSuperGlueWispyMotionArsozH3t3rKsp_2099GinjabredMonstaNik_860BrushTheNickster20 13 votes
adqqedfyvrLvernon15Donnymeij10or_StrongEthanGamerBlackJ4zzYa_Boi_28Jet6_3Pdogg614AgentkNerdNerdNerd1Nightbat216Lucifer1810 13 votes
AlexBossu 1 vote
_ASDF_Mephisto 2 votes


  • Tiger360Tiger360 Member Posts: 1,696 ★★★★

    This is my 5 star roster it’s pretty small but I have had a beyond godly pull in namor and some trash luck in Diablo and beast but I’m curious to here how good my roster is on a 1-10 rating I’m thinking of doing variant 4 but I’m not sure yet this will really help me thanks!

    Namor carries your roster quite a bit, congrats on him! Get him awakened asap hes a beast
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  • MawrCalleachMawrCalleach Member Posts: 260
    It's too small. And Namor is not that great without awakened ability.
    Don't go for variant 4, your roster is not capable of it.
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  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    1 great champ, rest are around the middle
  • MawrCalleachMawrCalleach Member Posts: 260
    Agentk said:

    It's too small. And Namor is not that great without awakened ability.
    Don't go for variant 4, your roster is not capable of it.

    Namor is not that great without his awakened ability what?? On my mini I got a 5* namor and he got my through most of 5:3 at 3:45 unduped lol he might need it for act 6 and beyond but not act 5 though
    Almost anyone can get you through act 5.3. His ramp up is pretty slow
  • solmyrairsolmyrair Member Posts: 388

    I’ll use this topic to ask for something as I have huge dilemma.. is there any champ in my roster worth R5 at the moment or better to wait for something more decent?

    Use - general Variants and AQ/AW.
  • MephistoMephisto Member Posts: 522 ★★★

    This is my 5 star roster it’s pretty small but I have had a beyond godly pull in namor and some trash luck in Diablo and beast but I’m curious to here how good my roster is on a 1-10 rating I’m thinking of doing variant 4 but I’m not sure yet this will really help me thanks!

    Namor will be nerfed soon. So you know what i mean...
  • Osfan8Osfan8 Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    solmyrair said:

    I’ll use this topic to ask for something as I have huge dilemma.. is there any champ in my roster worth R5 at the moment or better to wait for something more decent?

    Use - general Variants and AQ/AW.

    Sunspot doesn't need dupe to be worth r5...I took my 6* to r2 unduped and use him in AQ and all kinds of quests.
  • SaiyanSaiyan Member Posts: 730 ★★★★
    Agentk said:

    I feel like punisher 2099 is slept on quite a bit just gotta get him to overcharge mode and keep spamming sp1s

    Honestly I agree with this. The issue with him is his battery takes way to much when it's used. If it was half as much as it takes now, he'd be so much better.
  • HendrossHendross Member Posts: 966 ★★★

    This is my 5 star roster it’s pretty small but I have had a beyond godly pull in namor and some trash luck in Diablo and beast but I’m curious to here how good my roster is on a 1-10 rating I’m thinking of doing variant 4 but I’m not sure yet this will really help me thanks!

    Namor may handle var.4 Electro, but you're going to have a fun an interactive time with Deadpool with those choices. I'd focus on act 5.
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  • solmyrairsolmyrair Member Posts: 388
    I’ve took Sunspot up..

    Still can R5 someone next month.

    With VtD it’s all depends of luck of gathering certain buffs. I like her as hell but without any buffs her damage output is poor
  • Jaina97Jaina97 Member Posts: 59
    solmyrair said:

    I’ll use this topic to ask for something as I have huge dilemma.. is there any champ in my roster worth R5 at the moment or better to wait for something more decent?

    Use - general Variants and AQ/AW.

    Emma is fabulous for AQ and AWD. Does some work in v1 too
  • Lt_Magnum_1Lt_Magnum_1 Member Posts: 640 ★★
    Namor needs dupe to bounce back "fun and interactive" damage. He hits hard though. Champion and NC are solid defenders. Ultron is an ok regen champ for AQ. Being an experienced player, I do not recommend variant until you finish Act 5 100% and can finish uncollected event quest consistently even though I think V4 is the easiest Variant so far.
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