Rate my 5 star roster

This is my 5 star roster it’s pretty small but I have had a beyond godly pull in namor and some trash luck in Diablo and beast but I’m curious to here how good my roster is on a 1-10 rating I’m thinking of doing variant 4 but I’m not sure yet this will really help me thanks!

Rate my 5 star roster 110 votes
Don't go for variant 4, your roster is not capable of it.
I’ll use this topic to ask for something as I have huge dilemma.. is there any champ in my roster worth R5 at the moment or better to wait for something more decent?
Use - general Variants and AQ/AW.
Still can R5 someone next month.
With VtD it’s all depends of luck of gathering certain buffs. I like her as hell but without any buffs her damage output is poor