I Donno If i Am Right But Do Correct Me ( Releated to Acorns for Master and Heroic Summoners )

Ok so they newly uncollected player and who were uncollected but can complete it and not explore it if we see we can explore both heroic and master = 150,000 Acorns and 1 chapter of uncollected complete = 40,000 . Then You Do master Squirrel acorns around everyday total acorns = 449,957 . Ok Objectives smashed all of them you get around 120,000 left the 2* and 3* then =95,000 . So total if you count you will have around if i am not mistaking = 882,618 but the rest i have no idea if the arena one can give at least 200,000 then only we can reach 1 Million So anymore Ideas to collect acorns pls do tell me
Pls Do correct Me if something is Wrong
Pls Do correct Me if something is Wrong
Let's try from scratch. Full Explore Heroic = 50000. Full Explore Master = 100000. Full explore chapter one of UC = 40000. That's 190000.
You do 37 runs of Master side quest fully: 449957.
There are 200,000 acorns in all of the objectives total.
There are 50000 acorns in the weekly acorn calendar (assuming it repeats for four weeks).
That gets you to 889957. What's left?
Full explore of Normal difficulty = 50000. That gets you to 939957. You basically need 60k. The arena has 150k in milestones, so this is possible with arena grinding.
See: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/comment/1098119/#Comment_1098119 for a spreadsheet of where all the acorns are.
See: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/comment/1098216/#Comment_1098216 for a way to get about 45000 acorns with relatively few rounds of arena, spread out across the entire month, without ever getting past the third milestone in any arena.