Elsa Bloodstone and suicides masteries

Hi Kabam
Else Bloodstone put a passive degen on her opponents but mutants if she ever get a bleed debuff
With suicide masteries she get a bleed debuff at the start of the fight which put a degen even if your champion can’t put a bleed debuff....
That’s the same problem we had with Cable under suicide and you decided to nerf Cable on this capacity !
So please, remove the degen for the initial bleed debuff coming from suicide mastery
Else Bloodstone put a passive degen on her opponents but mutants if she ever get a bleed debuff
With suicide masteries she get a bleed debuff at the start of the fight which put a degen even if your champion can’t put a bleed debuff....
That’s the same problem we had with Cable under suicide and you decided to nerf Cable on this capacity !
So please, remove the degen for the initial bleed debuff coming from suicide mastery
That was never properly fixed, someone found a work around for it but I still occasionally come across someone in arena that just melts to 0 hits
I agree, it seems unfair. And a bit odd that it affects robots, and dimensional beings like Dormammu; but doesn't affect mutants. But it is what it is. They designed her to do this; so they won't be changing it any time soon.