Help with Act 4 Chapter 2 Part 3

So I did part 2 with hardly a problem but the enemies in part 3 seem ridiculously high level even though I am within the recvendef parameters. They are almost twice as strong as the previous part and there seems to be no easy path. So I am wondering is there some specific strategy I am missing or do I just have to be patient and grind until I have champions powerful enough to power through ?
These are my champions

And these are my masteries. I have no idea how they work so maybe I screwed them up

So am I missing something or am I just too weak?
These are my champions

And these are my masteries. I have no idea how they work so maybe I screwed them up

So am I missing something or am I just too weak?
Put a single point in pierce, lesser precison and lesser ruelty and max out precision and cruelty. Put a point in courage too.
In defence, one point in each of vitality and greater vitality, then max points on block proficiency.
In proficiencies, max in parry, then one on dexterity. These are you absolute basics. Redistribute your other points based on what masteries you feel are best from online guides etc.
@Seatin has a youtube guide with some pretty decent overall set ups.
Good luck with the rest of Act 4 though and I hope this helps!