Am I ready to go for Uncollected?

I'm currently on 5.2.5 which is Insurrection and I was wondering if you guys think that I'm ready to go for the push of Uncollected. If you guys don't mind helping me by telling me what team I should take too that'd be great too! Thank you 

Starky can be your MVP against Collector.
Corvus will also be another important one.
Others that you can mix in an and use are: VTD, Iceman, GR, Domino, AA. Also X-23.
Good luck. The hardest one will be 5.2.4, then the Collector.
Might want to get your top champs to rank 4 or 5. Also use boost's if it starts to get difficult.
Starky can be an MVP for the collector himself thanks to his ability to auto-evade unblockable special attacks and Iceman is also an amazing Champion.
Ghost Rider is a great general path-clearing champ with his reliable Regen and general utility.
Other champions you should be prioritising for Rank Ups - Domino, Corvus Glaive, AA-Ron, Killmonger & Star Lord (duped 4* but if you can dupe your 5*...)
Sparky: you can fully ramp up to big damage before giving him any power and he can fully evade his specials
SG: with 3-4 charges, she will always evade the collectors UNBLOCKABLE special attacks 55% health and below
Corvus: Quick big damage
VtD: Heavy hitter
Dom: AAR and nice damage.
Some unawakened, so yes, its possible.
You have a lot of units, so that will save you time in the arena, although you might need to do some more grinding.
Other than that, good luck! Don't give up, stay calm and focused.
The Collector is supposed to be hard/unfair. Don't lose hope!
If you are skilled enough, you can get past 5.2.5 with anything
For the collector quest, the quest is similar to 5.2.5 until the collector
As some have mentioned above, just use hard hitting champs like corvus vtd sparky Dom and burst him down
Maximum two team revives tbh