Is there a code which makes AI know when are we going to heavy?

I can't help but thinking that AI knows exactly when to throw a punch at your face when you prepare for a heavy. And the more I thought about it the more I realize that it's very possible because the developers can make a code to help AI notices when attackers prepare for a heavy.
Not saying it's unfair because that's exactly what we are doing, just asking for confirmation.
Not saying it's unfair because that's exactly what we are doing, just asking for confirmation.
It is programmed to act in certain ways based on many factors, either build on the AI itself, the champion itself, nodes, etc
it's a computer ... are you aware of how fast a computer's "reflexes" are?
You initiate a heavy, they counter VERY quick (seemingly instant).
Irritating? Yeah .. but you need to find clever ways to weave heavies in
Sometimes the AI can certainly seem like's it's reading your inputs (there have been other discussions on that) .. but related to heavies? Nah, just really fast "reflexes" is the best way to describe it ..
So if the gist of your question is whether the AI "knows" we're charging heavy when we're charging heavy, or the AI has to "figure out" if we're charging heavy by observing our actions I'm pretty sure the AI simply knows we're doing this the instant we are actually doing this. The AI isn't programmed to be smart, it is actually programmed to be dumb: it would be the easiest thing in the world for the designers to construct an AI that simply reacted to what we did with the best counter-move, the problem is this kind of straight forward AI would also be unbeatable. Instead the AI is told what we are doing and then is given "fuzzy" rules on picking a course of action, and the more difficult the content is intended to be the more likely the AI is to choose optimal actions over less useful ones.
Kabam has made it so when the AI senses this condition, it knows to fire back immediately and deny your heavy. Of course there is some RNG here as well, since they don't want the AI to be too powerful.
If the AI actually tried, it could parry all your attacks, dex all your specials, and destroy a 6 star R3 with a 2 star starlord
EDIT: Or, it could summon miike powers and just win cause it wants to
In these instances you are more likely to land a heavy but can still be interrupted. Mordo is the most likely but still sometimes he goes into hyper aggressive mode and that doesnt hold true then.
(either way, making for a very poor game experience .. hehe)