My Last Post Was Deleted: COWhale Leaving the Game

So my last post was deleted and I'm not exactly sure why, maybe it's because I gave my opinion on COWhale's farewell video and that counted as slandering another player which is against the ToS, so I will just avoid it this time.
Anyways, now that COWhale, one of the top spenders in the game, has left the game, do you guys think that this will make Kabam change how they handle things? I'm curious because, like I said, he was a top spender so their profits are going to take a hit. Will this really affect anything or not?
Anyways, now that COWhale, one of the top spenders in the game, has left the game, do you guys think that this will make Kabam change how they handle things? I'm curious because, like I said, he was a top spender so their profits are going to take a hit. Will this really affect anything or not?
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back to subject, kabam makes more money on thousands of people buying the $5 unit card than any whale or whale alliance. him leaving will not have any impact on the big picture.
It was deleted, you are aware of it. You shouldn't had created another one
So many “problems” in the past and he kept spending. Now that he “lost” he cares about what kabam does or doesn’t do. Get a life and move along.
He spends a lot as an individual, but in comparison to what average Joe Summoners spend collectively, COW is a drop in the bucket for Kabam.