13.1 Bugs
Sadly i noticed some issues from the first few matches of the new patch. Bleed accumulation seems to not be working like before the patch. Ultron and Black Panther dont stack as quickly as before. Drax, wolverine, x23, and gullitone dont stack past 5 now. Im not sure what happen, whether crit rate has been lowered, bleed rates have been lowered, or deep wounds has beed nerfed.
Also Voodoo sp2 on a even combo should power burn 100%. This is not working like it should.
Will there be any compensation for the issues of 13.0 ? Also can you please investigate these issues.
Sadly i noticed some issues from the first few matches of the new patch. Bleed accumulation seems to not be working like before the patch. Ultron and Black Panther dont stack as quickly as before. Drax, wolverine, x23, and gullitone dont stack past 5 now. Im not sure what happen, whether crit rate has been lowered, bleed rates have been lowered, or deep wounds has beed nerfed.
Also Voodoo sp2 on a even combo should power burn 100%. This is not working like it should.
Will there be any compensation for the issues of 13.0 ? Also can you please investigate these issues.
And my ms marvel got stunned with even being hit. I was no where close to the opponent. Not a nice way to lose
Before the patch, i was able to get 7 ticks of bleed with x23. 5 with Ultron, 8 with Black Panther, 7 with wolverine.
Weather effect performance issue causing certain levels to be unplayable on certain devices - CRITICAL PRIORITY
Voodoo SP2 not working on even combo - HIGH PRIORITY
Bleed is not stacking like it used (I could get 8-9 stacks on duped 5* BP yesterday...getting like 2 now) - HIGH PRIORITY
Phoenix SP3 reported to not be doing damage - HIGH PRIORITY
Is this what you mean, Hbomb?