5/65 Hyperion Owners

PeterQuillPeterQuill Member Posts: 1,373 ★★★★
Satisfied with him...regret that rank up? I cant get around to his playstyle and dont see the damage output compared to some of the others due to a low crit rate. Overall, how often do you use your 5/65 hyperion over other 5/65 champs.

My current 5/65s are Corvus, Domino, Ghost, Sparky, Nick Fury, CapIW and Aegon and a 6r2 Omega Red. Not sure if I need a hyperion in that mix.


  • CASrinivasCASrinivas Member Posts: 1,109 ★★★
    You don't know to use him.....
    My 4 star R5 deals min 25k Damage with 4 Furies
  • cade4560cade4560 Member Posts: 34
    I only have a r5 4* hype but I still use him in uncollected and he melts through opponents. If I ever get a 5* he will be up to r5 immediately.
  • ThecurlerThecurler Member Posts: 880 ★★★★
    Use SP3 first to get cosmic charges.

    He is a beast.
  • BboychoboBboychobo Member Posts: 249 ★★
    he is a total beast...... i use him in map 6 and he slaughters the poison paths... his damage is insane,, he regens... so you probs are doing something wrong !!!
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,963 ★★★★★
    As someone said above, parry then heavy to build furies. Pop off an sp2, get the stun (hopefully) and heavy again. I’ve seen people get up to 14 furies and deal some beefy damage.
  • jsjsjs13jsjsjs13 Member Posts: 32
    He was my first R5 and I absolutely love him. For longer fights go to sp3 and then parry-heavy-sp2 rotation. My 8 year old son wook Winter soldier out in 69 hits (and a lot of RNG luck) using the synergy of Black Bolt X 2, Hulk, Ronan.
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  • SlashingSunsetSlashingSunset Member Posts: 244 ★★
    His play style sure does need some getting used to, since you're constantly parry heavy-ing to build furies and if you miss a distant parry then you gotta start taking damage. I prefer champions like Corvus/Venom/Namor where you can just get right into a fight, but there's no denying Hype's got some insaneeee damage.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,819 ★★★★★
    edited February 2020
    Lol , no regrets at all. He’s amazing, useful in many situations and content & super easy to use
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    edited February 2020
    I use Hyperion all the time no regrets parry Heavy until sp3 then parry heavy and sp2 the opponent fight is over .
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,259 ★★★★★
    edited February 2020
    Zero regret. I have R5 Hyperion in main and alt account. Bring him to questing and AW every time. He is great for aegis path. All you need is 1 heavy to remove the aegis 2.
  • phil56201phil56201 Member Posts: 987 ★★★
    He's my latest and 6th 5/65. Has some quirky animations that were kinda difficult for me to get used to, esp the timing and short range of his heavy, or at least the 1st part of it. He is not safe to heavy intercept unless you are VERY close to the opponent. Muscle memory from playing Corvus, OR, and AA was screwing with my perception of what I could and couldn't do with a heavy.

    I made sure I got all that down and played him through ROL over and over until I felt real comfortable with him as a 4/55 (got a cosmic AG and 2016 3-4 cosmic gem from variant 4) before pulling the trigger.

    Now that I have a good grasp on his play style, I couldn't be happier with him. He provides so much utility, has superb damage and regen, and doesn't require a high sig. brought mine to sig 20, and I'm just gonna leave him there, as it looks like anything after that are super diminishing in their returns.
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    He may be my best rank up to date. Probably the best AQ champ in the game.

    His power gain lets you do so much in a fight. Really might be the most underrated ability in the game.
  • Weaver1983Weaver1983 Member Posts: 60
    Everything that everyone else has said...plus in tricky situations you can evade until power gain gets you to specials and use those for intercepts. I've taken down many a Korg and Electro just using sp1 intercepts.
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  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    My normal rotation with my 5/65 20 is parry heavy parry heavy intercept into 5hit into L2, which will hopefully stun, in which case I will either A. If they don’t have a ton of power, heavy 5 hit L2 or B. If they are getting close to L3, 2 heavies and bait. It consistently does a ton of damage. He also works very well with Hawkeye and Quake AbAc synergy that will get more furies incinerates and stuns.

    And if you are in a tough fight with no health to work with, you can play like Sparky and either L1 intercept or if it is absolutely required, wait for L3.

    He might not hit as hard as Corvus, but he can throw off twice as many specials and can keep his high damage throughout any length fight.
  • Skillful_starSkillful_star Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    You're kidding right? My 5* r4 hyperion when I get lucky enough does 90k+ on his sp2....I literally did 2 sp2s back to back on ROL winter soldier and took him down because those sp2s did over 100k damage....each...and that isn't to mention all of his other abilities...and that's at r4....
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    5/65. Beast. Using him wrong.
  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    I wish I had a 5 65 but alas a 4 star is good enough to give my opinion. Imo damage isnt what makes him amazing, I think his utility is much better: poison immune and furies give him the ability to fight caustic temper nodes, power gain allows him to use specials without hitting the opponent which is amazing for certain fights that punish you hitting into the opponent, his sp1 has no contact and does incinerate which is amazing, has stun and armor break, and has really decent regen. Overall one of the best AQ champs, great defender, solid AW attacker and a powerhouse.
  • mbracembrace Member Posts: 897 ★★★
    I like his damage potential, but only with CAIW and Gamora for the Cosmic Power synergy. It keeps his power gain up full time, and allows all 3 charges of Cosmic Potential to stay indefinitely. This will also extend and fury buffs, and I feel a lot less rushed to use heavies when playing him. This makes him more fun to me. I’m sure he’s good either way, but I like low-stress champs.
  • NeotwismNeotwism Member Posts: 1,803 ★★★★★
    I completely understand where u r coming from. I have a sig 70 rank4 hype that I never use. Something about his playstyle I just don't like. Maybe it's because I use Corv and Omega all the time and the heavy messes me up. I'm not sure. I've tried several times to use him and he sits on the bench the vast majority of the time. I regret using a gem and 70 stones on him. Maybe one day I will get used to him but I haven't yet in the past 18 months.
  • Manup456Manup456 Member Posts: 890 ★★★★
    Few ways to use him and like others I use him for everything.

    First you can parry and heavy until you build up a few fury and spam SP1 and get crazy Incinerate damage.

    Second parry and heavy and bang out a few Sp2 which a lot of times cause defenders to get stuned and I can usually get 2 more heavy attacks off them while stuned blast Sp3 and they are usually dead.

    Third just parry and heavy then spam Sp3

    Either way you want to use him will work and he’s a beast.
  • lukakalukaka Member Posts: 79
    use heavys,get the furies ,spam sp2 to get stun or armour break, heavy again
    the fact he has that insane powergain makes him a perfect counter to many matchups as well as the sp1
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  • BlackPhoenix44BlackPhoenix44 Member Posts: 20
    I don't use him as much as I used too but he's still a beast. My favorite champ when facing a stun immune or when I want to avoid a sp1.
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