Going into V2 on Sunday, any tips?

As mentioned, I'm attempting V2 on Sunday. I'm excited as I'm by no means a veteran, I only have one 6 star and one R4 5* just to put things in perspective. But I just pulled a Hela today which gives me what I feel I need to give a serious go at it. I needed Hela because I'm trying the old cosmic synergy for Thing. Of whom I have a R5 4* at sig 40. I have all kinds of boosts prepared including Science Power boosts. I took a look at what I'll be facing and I'm going to replace Heimdall with Quake for the Mephisto in 1.2. Anything else I need to be aware of before I go in? Any other tips? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Use attack boosts, health boosts are pointless when you're trying to die for champion synergy.
Try to get a couple fights in without revives, else start over.
I followed seatins easy path the first time through
Because it doesn't really matter how low Thing's health is when you start each fight, you technically get 'unlimited' fight restarts if you mess up (as the -50% health deduction per restart is pretty insignificant since you'll always be starting with <20% health and looking to lose it to gain your furies).
But if your health is too low when you start a fight (<1% I believe), a restart can actually set you back to a KO'd champ instead of the standard -50% health deduction. A single L1 or L2 health pot is usually enough to prevent this from happening.