386k looking for an active life first alliance

I'm looking for a new home. I don't wanna be in the prestige rat race, I just want to find a rewarding alliance without the pressure of making this game a first world problem.
I own 1 5* 3/45 and 33 4* 4/40's. I don't own maxed 4* because I'm saving my T4c for the 5*.
If you're interested, please comment with your pitch and I will contact you on Line
I own 1 5* 3/45 and 33 4* 4/40's. I don't own maxed 4* because I'm saving my T4c for the 5*.
If you're interested, please comment with your pitch and I will contact you on Line
Line/ign: AUTigers354
ALLIANCE - SynergyDogs [4Dogs]
We are a good core 3 mill alliance looking to replace a couple of inactive players. We use Line for communication. We participate in all AQ battles/events and we win most of our AWs. And on the top of all we are a fun group.
PM m_heikal in game/line if interested.
We run Map 5x5 - Tier 5-8 AW, not in prestige race, definitely understand life comes first.
LINE - jsnook2
The [Bro.z] is an adult alliance. We play daily, but all have family and work to balance. No drama. Just fun, competitive and supportive. At the end of the day... running AQ/ AW only takes 10-15 minutes a few times as energy refills, right? AQ 55533 provide good rewards without grinding your life away to make donations. All 3 BG's 100% clear. 7.2 mil alliance, and what's prestige?!? LOL
Good luck with your search, and contact me if it sounds like a good fit.
Line ID: groverboys2
We normally run map3.. and however many bg's fitting for the folks who want to play. We do save for SA though as we are short a few members.
4.5m alliance. 980 war rating. We don't expect much but need ppl to do whatever is best for the alliance as a whole
Look up Jax Shadow on Line OR Pepe Le Shua
Good luck
NO EVENTS MIN REQUIRED. We are relaxed alliance (Life always comes first), but not inactive.
we focus only on AQ (Map 5x5)/AW (Tier 4-5), though we mostly complete 'completion' and 'item use', and some arena events if a good basic champ is on (depends on how many are going for the basics)
contact any officer, or reach me on Line at tom.cruise1.tc1
Bender: AVS66, is an adults with family alliance. We broke off a few months ago from an alliance that kept pushing and pushing. We are now a 2+ months old 9M alliance with like-minded players. 55533, No spending requirements and AW is do your best. Line ID: h.o.o.c.h.i.e