First, 300 people need to explore it. Then during that, the runs must be reviewed in order to detect cheaters or other's, and remove them from the competition. And only after 300 legitimate user's have explored it, the results will be posted.
In the initial announcement of the Abyss, They stated that in order to qualify for the Legends title, you had to do 100% exploration, not just a run through. Also, I stated in another comment cuz I was going to go through everybody who's completed the abyss to weed out any cheaters and from there, designate the Legends titles and pass out Rewards. After that they will go back on a monthly basis to Repeat the process and again distribute more Awards and so on.
Then during that, the runs must be reviewed in order to detect cheaters or other's, and remove them from the competition.
And only after 300 legitimate user's have explored it, the results will be posted.
Might be sometime this month, or next one