Need 1 for Not-Crazy-but-Not-Lazy Alliance (Map 5-6, >170m AQ; >G3 AW)

We're a 29 member, 24mil PI alliance looking for 1 player who can reliably handle 5x Map 5 (with potential for Map 6 on day 1-2 every now and then) - and we're just starting getting involved in AW again, now that the holidays are over.
Who We Are:
We're a group of folks who love the game and play as a hobby. Not a job. Jobs are jobs. Families are [like] jobs. We get it. The game is supposed to be fun, and we like to keep it that way! We've kept this philosophy for 4 years and have been going strong!
Who We're Looking For:
In general, you're going to need >500k PI with at least 4 solid 5* Rank 4 champs (and at least 1-2 5*r5 champs) for simultaneous AQ and AW attack. There are obviously exceptions depending on who your champs are and how well you play (e.g. can you clear your lane?). Most folks are Level 60, uncollected, working on Cavalier (if not Cavalier already). Preference given to those with real Map 5x5 experience. More preference given to those with some Map 6 experience even more preference if you can do some damage against Map 6 mini-bosses. However, most preference is given to folks who mesh well with our casual style: we enjoy the game but realize that sometimes "Real Life" requires we miss out a bit (e.g. jobs, children, camping trips) - and that's ok! Do NOT message us if you believe that “there is always time for MCOC - no excuses!” because that’s not us. Life happens, and we deal with it.
We are based in North America - so please ensure you can play during our peak play times. We do have two folks from Brazil, and one or two in England - so we're open to anyone, but for Map 6, it will be critical that you are able to log in occasionally to quickly play during the day (e.g. bring down a node), including last minute pushes to complete maps (ends 1500 EST).
For AQ:
We put up 170+ mil running 55555, 55555, and 44444 with Master Modifiers. On some weeks, BG1 runs 66555 if we have commitment from 10 people for Map 6. But our hope is to have BG1 running 66555 consistently (that’s where you come in!).
For AW:
Last season we didn't focus on AW at all - we did only 1 wargroup and went Bronze. This season, we ran 2 wargroups and got back to Gold 3 already. For two groups, we rotate our 30 players evenly (so everyone wars at least twice a week) - no stacking of groups. Next season, we’ll target Gold 2 and raise our tier; if we have enough progress, we'll see if we can do 3 wargroups the season afterwards and get to Gold 1.
The Rest:
We have NO event minimums (but we DO strongly prefer that everyone put up at least 1 point (literally!) for Alliance Events so we can all share rewards and get those extra boosts! We generally put up in the 20-40% for SA without even trying (with 5-20% every now and then). Finally, donations are "suggested", not required: 5k/2k/2k (our treasury is plush). We never kick anyone for not donating (a lot of our younger players are building up rosters so are gold-poor - that's ok!), but we do want to see everyone contributing something (1 gold every week is as important to us as 100k every four weeks).
We exclusively use Line to communicate. If you have never used it, we're happy to show you how. Most folks will silence the chats except for their relevant AQ/AW battlegroup chat - which is strictly business (e.g. AQ movement, AW path declaring). The main chat is friendly, but no requirements to be chatty (our strongest/oldest members are the quietest). Never religion. Never politics. PG-13 language/memes in case our kids get ahold of our phones.
We do a 2-week no-obligation, no-donation trial period - either side can part ways, no questions asked! We've been around for 4 years and are looking forward to growing the family!
Alliance: TeamTardis-5280
Alliance Tag: 5280T
In-game Name: MD PhD
Line ID: 1maxq
Who We Are:
We're a group of folks who love the game and play as a hobby. Not a job. Jobs are jobs. Families are [like] jobs. We get it. The game is supposed to be fun, and we like to keep it that way! We've kept this philosophy for 4 years and have been going strong!
Who We're Looking For:
In general, you're going to need >500k PI with at least 4 solid 5* Rank 4 champs (and at least 1-2 5*r5 champs) for simultaneous AQ and AW attack. There are obviously exceptions depending on who your champs are and how well you play (e.g. can you clear your lane?). Most folks are Level 60, uncollected, working on Cavalier (if not Cavalier already). Preference given to those with real Map 5x5 experience. More preference given to those with some Map 6 experience even more preference if you can do some damage against Map 6 mini-bosses. However, most preference is given to folks who mesh well with our casual style: we enjoy the game but realize that sometimes "Real Life" requires we miss out a bit (e.g. jobs, children, camping trips) - and that's ok! Do NOT message us if you believe that “there is always time for MCOC - no excuses!” because that’s not us. Life happens, and we deal with it.
We are based in North America - so please ensure you can play during our peak play times. We do have two folks from Brazil, and one or two in England - so we're open to anyone, but for Map 6, it will be critical that you are able to log in occasionally to quickly play during the day (e.g. bring down a node), including last minute pushes to complete maps (ends 1500 EST).
For AQ:
We put up 170+ mil running 55555, 55555, and 44444 with Master Modifiers. On some weeks, BG1 runs 66555 if we have commitment from 10 people for Map 6. But our hope is to have BG1 running 66555 consistently (that’s where you come in!).
For AW:
Last season we didn't focus on AW at all - we did only 1 wargroup and went Bronze. This season, we ran 2 wargroups and got back to Gold 3 already. For two groups, we rotate our 30 players evenly (so everyone wars at least twice a week) - no stacking of groups. Next season, we’ll target Gold 2 and raise our tier; if we have enough progress, we'll see if we can do 3 wargroups the season afterwards and get to Gold 1.
The Rest:
We have NO event minimums (but we DO strongly prefer that everyone put up at least 1 point (literally!) for Alliance Events so we can all share rewards and get those extra boosts! We generally put up in the 20-40% for SA without even trying (with 5-20% every now and then). Finally, donations are "suggested", not required: 5k/2k/2k (our treasury is plush). We never kick anyone for not donating (a lot of our younger players are building up rosters so are gold-poor - that's ok!), but we do want to see everyone contributing something (1 gold every week is as important to us as 100k every four weeks).
We exclusively use Line to communicate. If you have never used it, we're happy to show you how. Most folks will silence the chats except for their relevant AQ/AW battlegroup chat - which is strictly business (e.g. AQ movement, AW path declaring). The main chat is friendly, but no requirements to be chatty (our strongest/oldest members are the quietest). Never religion. Never politics. PG-13 language/memes in case our kids get ahold of our phones.
We do a 2-week no-obligation, no-donation trial period - either side can part ways, no questions asked! We've been around for 4 years and are looking forward to growing the family!
Alliance: TeamTardis-5280
Alliance Tag: 5280T
In-game Name: MD PhD
Line ID: 1maxq
Here is my profile