
18.5Mil AQ focused alliance looking for 2 members

The Vigilante Knights are looking to fill 2 roster slots with players who want to grow their accounts and have some fun. We're an 18.5Mil alliance with a focus on AQ. Most of us are in the 7k-ish range of prestige and ranking our first few 5R5s/6R2s, but there's quite a bit of variation from top to bottom. Almost all of us are Uncollected, many are Cav.

We want active members, but we're also all adults with work and family stuff going on, so we're sensitive to the fact that stuff comes up sometimes. Everybody is good about being flexible and covering as needed. Time zones are mostly spread across the US, but we have members from around the world and plan paths to accommodate in AQ.

AQ is mandatory, we run 2 BGs 5x5 and 1 BG 44333 to help develop some newer members. We're looking for players that can fill spots in our map 5 groups. Milestone rewards are in the 150k-160k range, rank is usually in the top 2800, occasionally moving into the top 2200.

AW is completely voluntary with signup through chat. We're currently silver 2, and not really making a push to improve that. We typically run 1-2 BGs during the season and 1 during off season. Most of us don't love war. If you don't love war, oh man, are we the alliance for you.

Line is required for AQ communication. There's a reasonable amount of friendly chatter in our main chat, but you're free to mute us if that's not your thing. We've got AW, AQ, and announcements broken out into separate chats so you can participate as much or as little as you want with the fun and interactive bonding that goes down.

Donations are 56,250 gold and 3,750 loyalty.

The alliance tag is -TVK- if you want to check us out in-game. Shoot me a message on Line at ghostofyost, or reach out to our alliance leader on Line at razneonk for more info if you're interested.


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