3 Players Looking for AQ Map 4/5 and AW Silver/Gold Alliance - Chill but Active

Who We Are:

We are used to running maps 4 and 5, were Gold 3, but unfortunately have decided to disband our alliance after losing long term members and struggling to rebuild with active players. In essence, having to rebuild again didn't seem like something we wanted to do. Two of us feel comfortable with 5X5, but one feels better about 54444, even better with 4X5. We are used to path calling and defender diversity in AW. We have no problems finishing our lanes, even if we have to use resources. We are all uncollected, working towards Elder's Bane and Cavalier, and can complete UC EQ. We're a friendly group, love to communicate strategy, and willing to learn the game and work with you. In short, we're looking for a long-term commitment where we can grow.

Who We Are Looking For:

We're looking for an adult alliance that does min 90m in AQ. We don't really care about AW tier, but would prefer an alliance that does 3 BG's and is trying to improve. We'd like an alliance that communicates well via LINE, possibly with separate groups for AW and/or AQ. We're leaving the current alliance we've joined because of nitpicking and little understanding of the game basics. We'd prefer a warm, friendly home. We are located in the US, UK, and Asia so we're hoping to find a global alliance, but it isn't necessary if there isn't time zone restrictions.


LINE: spino0o (s-p-i-n-o-zero-o)

Thank you.


  • EgretM4EgretM4 Member Posts: 182 ★★
    We might be perfect for you. We’re the third in the unstoppable family looking for three people to replace some that left.

    We run aq 5x4 were gold 3 last season currently silver 2 but climbing up again. Aq we usually get 120 million. Ask me any questions. IGN egret m4
    Alliance tag ryzn3

    Line required
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  • FattyGrumpkinFattyGrumpkin Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2020
    We might be a good fit for you. Currently converting what was a retirement alliance into something more. Mostly focused on AQ but we do war during the seasons and take a break from it on the off season. Don't think I can promise 90 mil in AQ yet as we are currently restructuring, but once we get the right people I think 60-70 mil is totally doable maybe even more. Doing 30 mil right now with pretty minimal participation (one of the things we're trying to change). All in all it's a chill group of players, we have a lot of fun, take the game seriously, but not too seriously. Mostly run map 4 in aq but hoping to step that up soon, again it depends on how quickly we can get reliable folks to join. Anyways check us out and if it looks like a good fit we'll get you on board. We use discord, not line, you can find me on there or in game @ Fatty Grumpkin. Alliance is [COCTX] the team 2
  • Ground_Round1Ground_Round1 Member Posts: 1,012
    check us out if you are still looking...we will have 2 spots open this week, and can get the other guy in on the next opening...

    We are a group of moderate players who work together to maximize rewards. Most of us are 5x5 burnouts who just enjoy playing without all the AQ/AW pressure.

    AW: 2 BG's in season, 1-2 BG off season, and sometime run theme tanks in the off season. Last season we were G2. Usually there is no/little item use in our war effort.

    AQ: 544, 544, 544, 544, 444 for 130-140 mil weekly.

    500-750k SA weekly, small minimums just to help us weed out the deadwood, no donations.

    We use discord for group chat and are organized.

    Holler if this sounds good. We have had a stable roster for several months...come in and enjoy the success.

    ground round#0363 in discord, Ground Round in line, Gound Round in game.
  • MirrhourMirrhour Member Posts: 5
    Hey y’all,

    I see y’all landed in another alliance, but thought I’d still throw out an option.

    We run 344 x 5 and 3 bgs in aw. We were up in gold 3 before a few key members had to stop playing for personal reasons. Slipped from gold to silver 1 last season. Need a few players to help us get back to where we were.

    We assign bgs for aw and aq separately and have separate chats for aq/aw bgs on Line as well as a general alliance chat. We appreciate calling out paths, asking for help and sharing advice. Looking for players that can hop on for 15 min a few times a day to keep momentum going in aw/aq.

    If interested hit me up in game or on Line: Mirrhour
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