Kabam your act rewards update is setting a worrying precedent imo

This is the 2nd time you've updated rewards for the act quests and then only provided updated rewards to those who completed the Act rewards within 6 months. Now while for act 1 this isn't a big deal and even act 2 and 3, it does make me worry for act 4, and possibly even act 5(sure this isn't a gaurtenee to be buff but it's also not been confirmed it won't be so the concern over the possibility is fair) because that's where the overall act rewards start getting good. And if you start updating those to more quality levels and not give the compensation to anyone who has beaten the quest more then 6 months ago it's just unfair


  • logancloudzerzlogancloudzerz Member Posts: 20
    What are you talking about specifically? Your post is confusing. You say you are worried for act 4 reward buff, that was done not that long ago wasn't it?
  • logancloudzerzlogancloudzerz Member Posts: 20
    Oh, just saw the post about updated act 1 rewards. It is what it is, they did the same with act 4 already.
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,479 Guardian
    Yeah they already did that for 4 I thought

    What are you talking about specifically? Your post is confusing. You say you are worried for act 4 reward buff, that was done not that long ago wasn't it?

    They stated they plan on doing more buffs to acts in the future ontop of what they are already doing and with this stupid "people who beat it within these 6 months get compensation." It just seems like a dumb and unfair cut off instead of it just being "everyone who has beaten the quest before this change will get the updated rewards."
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