Gold 2 AW 130 weekly AQ alliance losing members quickly, badly in need of merger 10-20 players

I'm currently the leader of a last season gold 2 alliance who puts up 120-130 mil weekly in AQ. We have had multiple people quit literally or figuratively. I took this alliance from falling apart to respectability again, and frankly, i'm ready to retire as leader, but not from the game. We have a few 1mil+ rating players including myself, and at least 10 real killers on our squad. So bottom line is, i'm thinking it's time for a merger. We would have 10-20 people interested. Some may want to go their own way, some will surely want to stay with the players they have been teammates with. SO, if you are on a similar level, and have 10-20 players on that level... please respond.


  • TheMethodTheMethod Member Posts: 189
    We don't want/ aren't going to be a alliance that's militant. We have lives. We have used the term relaxed but competitive, but unfortunately relaxed has become lax. We can do 1 of 2 things. Take a active group of 10 or so to replace our inactive or leaving members, or 10 or so, give or take, of us can merge into another alliance. We're primarily in the 500K to 1mil rating, and are active but not to the point that it takes away from real life. we run 1 map 5 and 2 map 4's with modifiers on the map 4's and score in the 130mil range a week.
  • TheMethodTheMethod Member Posts: 189
    If there is a up and coming alliance that only has 10-20 legit members, maybe check us out. We're the Lion's Den L.D.1 and my name is the same in game. Ideally in a merger, someone would take over as leader, or at least as an officer willing to devote time to keeping the alliance running.
  • TheMethodTheMethod Member Posts: 189
    If you're part of an alliance in which only half or so of the alliance picks up the slack for the other half... a merger with us could be great. Our goal is to play out the war season and having something in place by the time it's over.
  • KofiKofi Member Posts: 11
    Any chance of you guys using discord? We've got a solid setup with a family of Alliances and could take you guys in
  • FattyGrumpkinFattyGrumpkin Member Posts: 7
    Hey if you guys want to join us let me know. We could use 10 solid players. Currently restructuring a former retirement alliance into something better. Mostly focusing on aq but we do war during the season. Running map 4 in aq but want to jump to 5, just need the people who can handle it and will be reliable. Message me on discord or in game @ Fatty Grumpkin. Alliance is CoCTx The Team 2
  • TheMethodTheMethod Member Posts: 189
    It's possible but not likely. We'd PREFER 10-15 coming to us, and we use Line.
  • TheMethodTheMethod Member Posts: 189
    We've got the whole setup in a good place, our alternative may be to cut down to 20ish after the season and have a huge recruiting push.
  • TheMethodTheMethod Member Posts: 189
    If anyone is interested in joining we do have a spot open
  • HeiperHeiper Member Posts: 1
    Hey I am interested in joining. Line ID heiper1701
  • VaibhavVashishtVaibhavVashisht Member Posts: 15
    Luke do you have an ID that I can look up
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