Uncollected arena crystals vs regular arena crystals

SlyCat42SlyCat42 Member Posts: 504 ★★
Are they really better? I've been opening up the uncollected ones (mostly because I want that sweet 5 star punisher), but so far what I'm getting from them is worse than what I would get from the normal ones.

Gold seems to be the most common thing to pick up, but at 5x the normal crystal price it's like popping 5 of those and only getting gold.

Kind of hoping they reduce the number of gold slots on the wheel.


  • _solidsnake_solidsnake Member Posts: 133
    Same here, I'm even wondering if I'm getting the same amount of gold from them for the amount of BCs I'm spending, almost seems like a bit less sometimes.
  • StrategicStrategic Member Posts: 632 ★★★
    Same here, I'm even wondering if I'm getting the same amount of gold from them for the amount of BCs I'm spending, almost seems like a bit less sometimes.

    Think of it this way: When you open 10 regular for 20k BC you can get the same amount of gold you get for opening 10 uncollected for 100k. Because it's just the chances of what a regular arena crystal gives you x5

    So if you were to get the chance of the minimum on your opening you get screwed x5.

    I after opening 21 of the uncollected and got **** I'm not opening anymore anytime soon.
  • Marlboro_845Marlboro_845 Member Posts: 89
    All I get is golds! Think I'm done opening uncollected arena crystal , I get more units with regular arena crystals
  • KocheeseKocheese Member Posts: 391 ★★
    Was just gonna say. No better at all. Did the math on two pulls and it was lower than the regular Crystals. More of the same
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  • KocheeseKocheese Member Posts: 391 ★★
    Yup. Always
  • Jiggycg999Jiggycg999 Member Posts: 28
    The uncollected crystals are terrible just low amounts of gold every time.
  • YoMovesYoMoves Member Posts: 1,286 ★★★★
    I dunno. I just opened 5 uncollected crystals and got 200k gold and 75 units....
  • KocheeseKocheese Member Posts: 391 ★★
    That's actually terrible yomoves
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    I've got the 225 units 4 times now, basically it will all work out the same in the long run just with more chance at the 4* and 5* punisher
  • FlazinatorFlazinator Member Posts: 126
    I gave up onthe crystals as well cause I would never get any units. Just gold, which is fine if that's what you want but for me it wasn't.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    I go for the regular ones for units
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    They are better if you get lucky. If you need units you are more likely to get units with regular crystals for the same amount of chips, but if you get lucky you'll get more units from the uncollected. But it's basically 5x the reward for 5x the price, so it probably evens out over time making a greater chance at punisher the real difference.
  • nameplasnameplas Member Posts: 240 ★★
    It's like opening a couple of regular ones, we don't get units from those two unless we're super lucky. Same with the newer ones, just like we've been used to opening heaps of regular crystals, we need to open a lot of the newer ones to actually compare, it might be 200k battle chips for us, but it's only 20 crystals if we look at it the other way
  • Ethans8279Ethans8279 Member Posts: 129
    well honestly it is better than the arena crystal.
    you can get 225 units from one uncollected arena crystal. And I got 225 units 6 times.
    If you open certain amount of crystals in one time, you may get the 4* punisher.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    I stopped opening uncollected. Out of 63 crystals I got all gold except for 550 units. That's a terrible return. 630,000 bcs for 550 units
  • GamerMalidosGamerMalidos Member Posts: 37
    It's not better because for 5x the cost, you get 5x the rewards. In the long run (using the law of large numbers) you would expect to see the same amount of gold and units and if you were spending the same amount of BC's (i.e. spending 1million BC's on arena crystals vs 1million BC's on uncollected arena crystals).

    The only difference comes from the 4* and 5* Punisher instead of 3* and 4*.
  • SlyCat42SlyCat42 Member Posts: 504 ★★
    edited September 2017
    calb1678 wrote: »
    Uncollected crystals in general are just a hook to make you spend more money. Same thing with grandmaster crystals the chance to get a 5star is worse than getting a 4stars from premium crystals. Just other money Grabber From Kabam.

    Errr... wait what? How is it a money grab? You cannot buy arena crystals and in the past you were not even able to farm units. This whole thing where you can farm lots of units from arena crystals only came about a few patches back. They actually gave us a way to farm units in the first place.

    I remember when to get suicide masteries you basically had to buy Odins packs just to be able to get the units to put points into them and get cores.

    Anyways, I tested it out some more Uncolleced Crystals by opening a bunch from the battlechips for the Black Panther arena. Every single one of them in gold (except 1 energy refill which I was happy to get). It's probably true that it would average out eventually if I opened a ton of them... but they cost 5x as much, which also means 5x more grinding. The time you need to farm that many uncollected crystals is huge compared to just opening the regular ones. I can't grind arena 24/7, so it isn't worth it to me to go for the Uncollected crystals. I need those units!

    Won't be opening any more of them until they fix the gold to other prizes ratio. I wouldn't even mind the energy refills I just don't want to get gold every time. The time it takes doesn't equate to the pay out.
  • PhantomPhantom Member Posts: 228
    The price is 5x higher. The rewards are 5x higher. There is no difference except that this once gives the four star as much as the old one gave the three star. It also gives the five star as much as the old one gave the four star.
  • ThatsausageThatsausage Member Posts: 214
    calb1678 wrote: »
    Uncollected crystals in general are just a hook to make you spend more money. Same thing with grandmaster crystals the chance to get a 5star is worse than getting a 4stars from premium crystals. Just other money Grabber From Kabam.

    Incorrect. It's not a cash grab but rather its how much time and effort are you going to put into arena to get the necessary amount for 10 tries for 5* Punisher.
    Ive opened countless amounts of Arena Crystals since the apps first release and never got 4* Pun but I have his 3* variant. The only reason I have for the Uncollected ones is in hopes that the 4* drop rate is identical to the 3* of the regular AC. My first 10 UCA's gave me alot of units but other tries only yielded alot of gold and far less units.
  • PhantomPhantom Member Posts: 228
    calb1678 wrote: »
    Uncollected crystals in general are just a hook to make you spend more money. Same thing with grandmaster crystals the chance to get a 5star is worse than getting a 4stars from premium crystals. Just other money Grabber From Kabam.

    Um, where are you going in the Unit Store to purchase Battle Chips?

    Also, if someone was spending money for these crystals, why would you buy Battle Chips in hopes of getting Units instead of Units?

    None of your comment makes sense.
  • Underpar69Underpar69 Member Posts: 88
    Ive played this game almost 2 and a half years. Im not some newby. Im not moaning, im just askimg for a breakdown of the rewards from opening these crystals. They are supposed to be a reward for being uncolected! Is it 99% gold as reward? All I seem to be getting is gold? I haveover 18 mil in gold dont need it!!

    Just a breakdown of percentage potential for gold, energy refils, units, four stars and im not even gonna say the 5 star. Buy the opening of 30 plus of these of which 25 odd has been gold im assuming it wise to not purchase them. Please I emplore you to respond and respond with a better answer than it is purely randem!
  • SlyCat42SlyCat42 Member Posts: 504 ★★
    Phantom wrote: »
    The price is 5x higher. The rewards are 5x higher. There is no difference except that this once gives the four star as much as the old one gave the three star. It also gives the five star as much as the old one gave the four star.

    Agreed, but it's a time commitment. So, the difference between the crystals only being the cost simply means that much more of a time commitment to grind them. In other words, if I want a more even spread of units for fewer battlechips I would have better chances to go for the regular arena crystal unless I want to grind a bunch of arena and hoard those battlechips.

    Which is fine, if you have the time and that's what you want to do. I'm just saying it doesn't work as well for me, and for the limited time I have to do arenas the Uncollected crystals are not worth it.

    Actually this thread has been pretty enlightening reading about everyone's experience with them. Have you found a lot of units from your Uncollected crystals?
  • JmoneysteckJmoneysteck Member Posts: 196
    every time i get to 10k chips inopen one and ive gotten 225 uniys about 5 times
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  • madmaxmadmax Member Posts: 59
    This game is more a slot machine with marvel fighting theme than it is a fighting game with some gambling elements. So it's no surprise that your luck along with many others is to land on the worthless gold.

    My advice would be to stick with the old ones unless you want that shot at a 5* punisher, which I have yet to see any pics of anywhere.

    Funny you should mention slot machines, as the crystals that you buy i.e.the new 200 units one, as it's a gamble on what you get then shouldn't they by law have to show the odds?
  • No_More_HeroesNo_More_Heroes Member Posts: 471 ★★
    madmax wrote: »
    This game is more a slot machine with marvel fighting theme than it is a fighting game with some gambling elements. So it's no surprise that your luck along with many others is to land on the worthless gold.

    My advice would be to stick with the old ones unless you want that shot at a 5* punisher, which I have yet to see any pics of anywhere.

    Funny you should mention slot machines, as the crystals that you buy i.e.the new 200 units one, as it's a gamble on what you get then shouldn't they by law have to show the odds?

    I'm not familiar with the laws surrounding online gambling so don't know what they have to post or not, but I would guess that's why these mobile games create all of this stuff around the core of the game which is just a glorified slot machine, to skirt the line of whatever that law is, to say this is a fighting game... which it is, I would guess the main question, if there was a legal issue is...is this game more slot machine or fighting game?
  • FthewiggFthewigg Member Posts: 104
    edited September 2017
    SlyCat42 wrote: »
    calb1678 wrote: »
    Uncollected crystals in general are just a hook to make you spend more money. Same thing with grandmaster crystals the chance to get a 5star is worse than getting a 4stars from premium crystals. Just other money Grabber From Kabam.

    Errr... wait what? How is it a money grab? You cannot buy arena crystals and in the past you were not even able to farm units. This whole thing where you can farm lots of units from arena crystals only came about a few patches back. They actually gave us a way to farm units in the first place.

    I remember when to get suicide masteries you basically had to buy Odins packs just to be able to get the units to put points into them and get cores.

    Anyways, I tested it out some more Uncolleced Crystals by opening a bunch from the battlechips for the Black Panther arena. Every single one of them in gold (except 1 energy refill which I was happy to get). It's probably true that it would average out eventually if I opened a ton of them... but they cost 5x as much, which also means 5x more grinding. The time you need to farm that many uncollected crystals is huge compared to just opening the regular ones. I can't grind arena 24/7, so it isn't worth it to me to go for the Uncollected crystals. I need those units!

    Won't be opening any more of them until they fix the gold to other prizes ratio. I wouldn't even mind the energy refills I just don't want to get gold every time. The time it takes doesn't equate to the pay out.

    I've been playing since June 2015 and as long as I can remember units were always available from arena crystals. Completely funded entire suicides and never spent a penny in early 2016. No flippin' clue what you are talking about.

    Despite all that, totally agree that uncollected are a complete waste unless going for Punishers. Over the long haul, the unit drops will probably even out, but the disappointment of poor unit drops here and there make it not worth it to me.
  • fiermanmuchfiermanmuch Member Posts: 33
    So thats not only me? I only get gold almost all the time from opening uncollected arena. Yes i finally duped my 4* but i rarely get unit from that uncollected.
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