Today's deals: quite outdated

DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
I mean, $70 for a Nexus AG where you get a 50% chance of getting what you want? That's pretty bad considering the value of 5* AGs has gone way down. We need better deals like a 6* class choice crystal for the same price as yesterday's deal on 5* which was also WAYYYY overpriced.


  • Giodood_1Giodood_1 Member Posts: 395 ★★★
    better than $70 for a basic ag crystal
  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    That doesn't make it good though. Especially with how much more common AGs are these days.

    I know the token response will be "Not all deals are for all players...", but maybe it would be good to listen to the players to see what we want and need once in a while? 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • PseudouberPseudouber Member Posts: 878 ★★★
    Does anyone know if it makes you open on purchase or can you save it?
  • BadSneakersBadSneakers Member Posts: 4
    Given the fact that a majority of this planet is not currently working due to a PANDEMIC, I see this as a very out of touch move by the company. This is not the time.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    @Pseudouber Since it's a crystal, you can save it. If it were a selector, then you would have to open right away.
  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★

    These deals are made and scheduled in advance

    So they're concrete and can't be hedged based on current environmental conditions? That's just not accurate.
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,330 ★★★★★

    Does anyone know if it makes you open on purchase or can you save it?

    you don't have to open right away. you can save it.
  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★

    Just stop with all the pandemic thing
    You DONT have to buy anything

    Nobody says anyone HAS TO buy anything, but maybe in a time of crisis we could either see less offers or maybe offers more in line with the reality that so many people are dealing with?
  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★
    DalBot said:

    I mean, $70 for a Nexus AG where you get a 50% chance of getting what you want? That's pretty bad considering the value of 5* AGs has gone way down. We need better deals like a 6* class choice crystal for the same price as yesterday's deal on 5* which was also WAYYYY overpriced.

    I think ALL their deals are way overpriced. Simple fix is to not buy them, and they will eventually get the message that people aren't buying them because of the price.

    However, there are TONS of people that WILL buy this at any cost...
  • QuikPikQuikPik Member Posts: 826 ★★★★
    Compared to yesterday's offer, this one looks fantastic :D
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,784 ★★★★★
    DalBot said:

    Just stop with all the pandemic thing
    You DONT have to buy anything

    Nobody says anyone HAS TO buy anything, but maybe in a time of crisis we could either see less offers or maybe offers more in line with the reality that so many people are dealing with?
    So every business out there should stop advertising? Making offers? Kabam is the only company out there still making offers? Better tell Amazon to shut down.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    I mean if you're foolish/rich enough to buy the offer than thats on you. The need right now in the game is t5cc catalyst selectors of any percentage, also 5 and 6 star sig stones. Any deal that doesn't have any of those elements is laughably a waste of money if you're map 5 for higher. Kabam honestly knows the resources that players are clamoring for but they haven't provided them very often in awhile. So I think they're trying to figure out the meta for offers moving forward and this over pricing of things we have in abundance will cease soon.
  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    It never ceases to amaze that the same folks will always come to bat to defend what Kabam does no matter the situation

    I forgot that the only way to make money in this time is to continue marketing overpriced deals on digital items. Maybe more tokens of good will like energy calendars (a 30 unit/day value)will go a longer way to showing that they are a company that cares and isn't strictly looking to sell outdated materials to gullible players.

    Also last I checked Amazon sells essential items. Pretty sure a Nexus AG isn't an apples-to-apples comparison, but hyperbole is your MO after all.
  • DeejDeej Member Posts: 108
    I think there's a happy medium. For example when they gave us the energy calendar that was sweet and in touch with the community. They know a lot of us are on lockdown and have more time to play.
    The overpriced fleecing offers are not okay and I think it's okay to point that out. You can't compare them to other companies. Other companies are actually offering amazing sales during this time not hiking up prices trying to take advantage. Of course they are a company needing to make money and I am not F2p I spend, but they need to meet us in the middle here. I think some of their deals are flat out unethical and yes the deals this weekend are out of touch.They showed us they know how to be in touch with the energy calendar so they have no excuse.
  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★

    I’m really sick of saying this but kabam is a COMPANY they need MONEY. A example of a company is a toilet paper company now do you think paper toilet company’s make toilet paper to be nice? No! They do it for money it’s the same thing with kabam company’s needs money to pay there employees too and mcocs offers are how the game makes money company’s are not selling things to be nice they are trying to make profit

    Cool, so we shouldn't want reasonable offers on digital items of no cost to the company because the only way they can make money is by offering overpriced items? People aren't still buying units for 6.4 or Abyss, that just magically dried up?

    Completely nonsensical
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★

    Given the fact that a majority of this planet is not currently working due to a PANDEMIC, I see this as a very out of touch move by the company. This is not the time.

    The pandemic has nothing to do with this. You do not have to buy every deal. You are basically saying "I should get a free iphone 11 because SARS-CoV-2 is causing pandemonium all over the world". That makes no sense Pandemic=bad thing. you do not get rewarded for bad things happening.
  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
    DalBot said:

    I’m really sick of saying this but kabam is a COMPANY they need MONEY. A example of a company is a toilet paper company now do you think paper toilet company’s make toilet paper to be nice? No! They do it for money it’s the same thing with kabam company’s needs money to pay there employees too and mcocs offers are how the game makes money company’s are not selling things to be nice they are trying to make profit

    Cool, so we shouldn't want reasonable offers on digital items of no cost to the company because the only way they can make money is by offering overpriced items? People aren't still buying units for 6.4 or Abyss, that just magically dried up?

    Completely nonsensical
    Ok buddy I could go pull up pictures of previous awakening gem crystals and they have always been around 70 or above so why didn’t you complain then and before you say the corona just stop it’s a game if you don’t like the deal then don’t freaking buy it! They are plenty of people who probably have already bought it so why do you care if you don’t like the deal just move on!

  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Thank you for the feedback. We understand that not every Offer is going to appeal to everybody, and what one Summoner may not see value in, another will. Everybody is in different places of progression, and life circumstances.

    I'm going to close this thread because it's gone off track pretty quickly, but I've passed on this feedback.
This discussion has been closed.