Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

2 players urgently looking for Alliance

* Minimum Gold 3/silver 1
* Aq map 5 or 4 mixed(5×5 preferred)
* prestige 7k both
* Active loyal players
* Looking for Stable friendly Alliance
* timezone gmt 5.3+ we Can join any timezone
* line id- adrija143


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    kahlkorverkahlkorver Posts: 162
    If you're open to use Discord & join after this AQ week, feel free to join us: https://discord.gg/g6ETyCC
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    Queen143Queen143 Posts: 330
    Interested will contact after this Aq week u can keep 2 spots...will install discord
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    Queen143Queen143 Posts: 330
    Added u ingame
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    AlmurichAlmurich Posts: 91
    Look up SoSSq alliance ID - or Tolonar player if you haven;t found what you are looking for.
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    tidusx2jrtidusx2jr Posts: 182 ★★

    If you're still looking, we run 554 for AQ all week long, finishing with 150m minimum. We run 3 groups of AW with 2 bgs alternating so everyone has a break between war matches for questing and whatnot. SA is typically 550k every week. Always hit the rank milestone rewards for 3day events. My ign is tidusx2jr and line app is the same if you're interested.
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    Sure I would like to join your alliance
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    DaHomieNoLifeDaHomieNoLife Posts: 63
    HMU on LINE dago.acuna
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    We r looking as well contact fleadiddy. Take a look
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