Legends Run

Charlie21540Charlie21540 Member Posts: 948 ★★★★
So never considered doing it, but just was thinking it might be fun to try and make a run at the legends title. My big thing is, is there anywhere that keeps people updated on the current top completion times? Or pretty much nobody will know until the end date is reached to attempt the speed run of this quest?


  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,324 ★★★★★
    No one ever knows until people start posting times. general rule of thumb though if you can't do below 3 hours don't even bother.
  • DaileyDailey Member Posts: 283 ★★
    Yeah I was thinking same thing....monthly qwest can get you a legends title too I assume ?
  • FishweaselFishweasel Member Posts: 186 ★★
    edited March 2020
    Generally there is a post for each monthly EQ where people post their times. I’ve found most to be honest about it and in fact when I got my legend title, the legend finishes corresponded with the times people shared on the post. There is usually at least one post each month where people share their times. However, I’ve also found that the time sharing usually happens after the legend run cutoff date when people are more willing to share what happened.
  • SHBJSHBJ Member Posts: 15
    My run is 3:11, I think I will not get
  • Charlie21540Charlie21540 Member Posts: 948 ★★★★
    Thanks for the input guys
  • G0DFALLG0DFALL Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2020
    Hi Guys,

    Just wanting some clarification for the monthly legends run, is it just uncollected? Or uncollected and master?

    Just found the thread saying heroic and master!
  • FelganosFelganos Member Posts: 259 ★★
    The problem with legends run is it's unfair to people who don't have an Iphone. The fact that the time also accounts for screen loading time screws us over
  • Das_giDas_gi Member Posts: 320 ★★
    The fact that you’re considered to be a legend by doing something as **** as heroic and master as fast as you can is the real problem. They should base it on uncollected. At least not all medium hits from a 5/65 ghost are 1 hit kills then cause they are in heroic
  • Charlie21540Charlie21540 Member Posts: 948 ★★★★
    Das_gi said:

    The fact that you’re considered to be a legend by doing something as **** as heroic and master as fast as you can is the real problem. They should base it on uncollected. At least not all medium hits from a 5/65 ghost are 1 hit kills then cause they are in heroic

    Well thats what I had originally thought... I was thinking it would've been based on running master and uncollected. I mean yeah it would definitely give the legend title alot more meaning and weight if it was, but its not. But hey I dont make the rules, im just aiming to attempt a legend run this weekend.
  • BigdogbobBigdogbob Member Posts: 125
    How much energy does it require to do a legends run on the monthly quest?
  • KabeershahidKabeershahid Member Posts: 23
    Can some body tell me how much time for legend run ? for april 2020 i think this monthly quest is long .
  • Shihan_83Shihan_83 Member Posts: 9
    Hi guys.
    Yes, this monthly event seemed to be longer than usual.
    I did it above 3h as well, and I think it was a good run...let’s wait and see...
    Anyone know where each monthly event can be checked what are the top 100 times played?
    Cheers guys
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