Ghost is being effected by Critical Resistance +90% in Act 6.4.3
In 6.4.3 Portal to D, the whole path has Critical Resistance +90%. Corvus' crits activate each time as they are guaranteed, but Ghost's crits do not. Both are guaranteed, so obviously there is a bug here. Crit Resist hasn't caused issues with guaranteed crits anywhere else as far as I'm aware.
Ghost’s guaranteed crits is affected by Crit resistance but Corvus’ is not as he has true damage.
What SHOULD be happening is: ghost and corvus (with charges ofc) should always crit. Crit resist should not factor when the ability says: guarantees next hit is critical. So it should not matter.
The only thing "stronger" than that is glacing = never crit
In my opinion guaranteed crits should bypass critical resistance, because the crit is “guaranteed” not a “100% chance”. So as long as there is any chance for the attack to be critical, it should be guaranteed
Guaranteed crit most likely just means crit chance is 100% which will undergo reduction from crit resistance and glancing effects.
CG’s guaranteed crits do not undergo crit resistance reduction due to the true damage buff he has.
It’s the same argument as when crits were changed to never crit when glancing. Guaranteed crits are bypassed by crit resistance, with which glancing provides 100% reduction for. So.... lol
However, if there is ANY chance that an attack CAN be critical, a guaranteed crit should mean that it is still always critical.
By the way - I’m pretty confident that ghost’s guaranteed crits are not coded as a 100% chance, because I have used her against 90% crit resistance and she crits significantly more than 10% of the time with her precision passive and on specials activated immediately after phasing.
So in that topic you had:
You cant crit vs your always crit.
There was a decision made by kabam = never is stronger than always and that is fine.
Crit resist is NOT the same as never crit.
Nowhere in the game is the info that guaranteed crits are 100% critchance.
That is "just" your opinion on it.
And a very antiplayerbase one as well.
Looks like you dont understand it or you are just trolling (If I look at your agree/disagree ratio I bet its the last one)
A guaranteed crit is a 100% chance to crit. Reword it in any other way, it’s still a 100% chance to crit, which is why you are complaining no? Cause your 100% chance to crit did not crit.
Crit resistance reduces the 100% chance to crit and is only bypassed by buffs that bypass resistances.
So yes, it’s working as intended that Ghost’s guaranteed crit doesn’t crit as often against champs with high crit resistance. Try fighting EF with Ghost and you’ll see that you will not crit 100% of the time. It’s been like this since Ghost was introduced.
Corvus has a 0% crit rate
His abilities state that glaive hits are guaranteed critical not increasing his crit by +100%
It’s okay to be misinformed and to not know specifics of wordplay in this game
Warlock’s armor up states specials can not be critical not that they reduce crit rate by -100%
@Seraphion is correct as seen with the Cannot vs guaranteed debate that ended with cannot overruling guaranteed
Words and numbers of very confusion in this game but you’ll learn
but there's another way to actually see who's right: are you a ghost user, by any chance? if yes, does she miss a crit against doom, korg or killmonger (all three has some crit resistance) sometimes? i'm asking because i'm not a ghost player, i haven't learned how to use her, so it's hard to verify by myself ^^"
Guaranteed Critical is not a chance. It's a Warranty. It's not like " you have 100% chance to deal critical hit" or even "200%" it's "You DEAL critical hit". It bypasses fatigue, it bypasses Critical Resistance(since Critical Resistance lowers the chance to receive a critical Hit, but as I told before, it's not a matter of chance.)
For example, Gamora is a champion that has 100% critical hit chance with her special attacks. That's different from Guaranteed Critical, right?
And it's absolutely not the same argument as the crits against glancing mechanics. There is the famous "cannot beats always" debate. Last year, Kabam Miike was commenting the Particle Protector in Variant 2 affirming it. It was logically true:
Guaranteed Critical is like "the hit is always critical."
Glancing is like "the hit is never critical"
Ok, in this conflict the "never" wins.
But about the Critical resitance, i repeat, the fact is different:
Guaranteed Critical: "The hit is always critical"
Critical Resistance: "the has -90% to be critical"
The "always" wins, isn't it?
Video-SW strips CG of his true damage buff and he never fails a crit.
All these wasted words battling CG and his true damage when that isn’t even the reason. It’s something about how Ghost’s “guaranteed” crits work.
This is confusing for players as other Guaranteed Crit champs do not function the same way. I’ve been told the Crit Resist can affect Guaranteed Crits (which is verifiably false unless your only measurement is with Ghost). I’ve been told True Damage ignores Crit Resist, also verifiably false.
So Kabam rather than leaving players struggling in the dark, shine a light on it. Even it’s just to say “sorry but the way Ghost functions her Guaranteed Crits are actually based on chance unlike other champions with the same ability.”
Edited to correct quest number